I have a user model where only user_email(primary key/ID) is mandatory, all other properties are nullables. I have a user service which uses a UserRepository for CRUD operations. I'm trying to create an UPSERT functionality that to handle Users in my PostreSQL DB.

The code on the service is the following:

async upsertUser(user: User): Promise<User> {  
    try {
      await this.userRepository.replaceById(user.user_email, user);
    } catch {
      return this.userRepository.create(user);
    return user;

Note: I also tried to use the save method.

The problem is I don't know how can I ignore NULL properties. I don't want to update all columns at once. Let's say I just want to update session info on my database. I'm trying the following code:

const user: User = new User({
    user_email: this.currentUser.email,
    last_login_at: userSession.authTime,
    session_id: userSession.cookieSession,
    sys_modify_date: (new Date).toISOString()
await this.userService.upsertUser(user);

The problem of this, is that it will replace everything. If I have my user_fullname property set from a previous creation, it will be updated as NULL because the User class object has not this property filled.

How I can I ignore and not update NULL properties?

1 Answer 1


You can use updateById instead of replaceById with lodash pickBy function.

firstly, remove nullish properties:

How to remove undefined and null values from an object using lodash?


this.userRepository.updateById(user.user_email, user);

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