I have a accounting management project where I need to store some specific data to a new database. I am fetching a issue when I am going to create a new database in server. It is working fine in local. As this project is made with Codeigniter 3, I am using codeignite dbforge() library to create new databse.

I have made this following this documentation of codeigniter 3. https://codeigniter.com/userguide3/database/forge.html#database-forge-class

// First Code
if (!$this->dbutil->database_exists($newDb)){

But when I run this code, I get this error message.

Error Number: 1044

Access denied for user 'shohowqj_testing_usr'@'localhost' to database 'shohoz_hishab_backup_2022'

CREATE DATABASE shohoz_hishab_backup_2022 CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci

Filename: modules/yearly_closing/controllers/Yearly_closing.php

Line Number: 68

Here "shohowqj_testing_usr" is my current username of database.

Then I researched on google and stackoverflow. I tried with some other way to fix it. But it did not work.

I found this question and answer of stackoverflow and I implemented accourdingly. But it is yet not working.

Codeigniter - database creation using $this->dbforge->create_database() not working in server

This is my code

$newDb = 'shohoz_hishab_backup_'.date('Y');
$db_user = 'new_user';
$db_password = 'new_password';
if (!$this->dbutil->database_exists($newDb)){
    $this->db->query("CREATE USER '". $db_user ."'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '". $db_password ."';");
    $this->db->query("GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES  ON  ".$newDb.".* TO '". $db_user ."'@'localhost';");

This code is showing the same error message.

I am using cpanel in my server. This error is showing in server only. But it is working fine on local machine.

I have given the full permission of my existing user named "shohowqj_testing_usr". See this image bellow.

enter image description here

Please advise me if there is any other way to fix it or if I have made any mistake.

Thanks in advance.

  • I posted about this issue on Codeigniter forum, One of them answered me to follow the code to create a new database. But this is not working as well. // You can also pass another database object to the DB Forge loader, // in case the database you want to manage isn’t the default one: $this->myforge = $this->load->dbforge($this->other_db, TRUE); // NOTE: my_db is a database configuration file in database.php // not the default one. if ($this->dbforge->create_database('my_db')) { echo 'Database created!'; } Commented Jun 9, 2022 at 3:59
  • One more idea I get from codeigniter forum user is "you need to create a seperate config for a new database in app/Config/Database.php otherwise Database Forge, or it will use the default database group." public $default = [ 'DSN' => '', 'hostname' => 'localhost', 'username' => '', 'password' => '', 'database' => '', ]; Commented Jun 12, 2022 at 15:29
  • I posted on facebook codeigniter groups about this. But one of them said, as I am using cpanel and shared hosting, I need permission to create database. But they will not give it due to shared server. Commented Jun 13, 2022 at 3:36


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