suppose we have the following XML document:

    <consultation date="2015-07-01" doctor="d4"> ... </consultation>
    <consultation date="2016-05-02" doctor="d1"> ... </consultation>
    <consultation date="2020-01-01" doctor="d3"> ... </consultation>
    <consultation date="2021-12-02" doctor="d2"> ... </consultation>
    <patient id="p2">
    <consultation date="2017-01-01" doctor="d2"> ... </consultation>
    <consultation date="2019-01-01" doctor="d4"> ... </consultation>
    <patient id="p1">
<doctor id="d1">
<doctor id="d2">
<doctor id="d3">
<doctor id="d4">
in XPath 1.0, I want to get the patients who have seen doctors of all specialties.

Here is my attempt:

    //patient[count (../consultation[????]) =
    count(//doctor[not (speciality = preceding-sibling::doctor/speciality)])]

1 Answer 1


I do not know of any XPath-1.0 solution, but if you can use XPath-2.0, the following path does work:

/visits/folder[patient[every $x in /visits/doctor/@id satisfies $x=../consultation/@doctor]]

This expression selects all <folder> elements that match the required condition.

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