I have a query to which i would like to insert a variable:

this is the query :

query = gql`{getStuff{outputs(filter: ["10_lorries", "3_cars"]){id, brand}}}`
const {data, error, loading} = useQuery(query)

which by itself works fine, but what if instead of explicitely passing the array I had it defined in a variable and want to pass it to the query?

const vehicles= ["10_lorries", "3_cars"]

when trying this data returns an undefined:

query = gql`{getStuff{outputs(filter: vehicles){id, brand}}}`

I am struggling a bit to understand how to pass the variable into the gql query..

1 Answer 1


You can pass variable through options provided by apollo useQuery hooks:

query = gql`{getStuff{outputs(filter: myFilter){id, brand}}}`

const vehicles= ["10_lorries", "3_cars"]

const { loading, error, data } = useQuery(query, {
  variables: { myFilter: vehicles },

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