I have a test for a service method NewsletterService::unsubscribe. I am trying to test it in testUnsubscribesNewsletterSubscriber() by creating an object NewsletterSubscriber with a Foundry Factory and then calling this unsubscribe method, and then assert that the NewsletterSubscriber was correctly updated.

Service that is being tested:

// NewsletterService.php
class NewsletterService
    public function __construct(
        private readonly EntityManagerInterface           $doctrine,
        private readonly LoggerInterface                  $logger,
        private readonly MailerService                    $mailer,
        private readonly NewsletterSubscriptionRepository $repo,
        private readonly CustomerRepository               $customerRepo
    ) { }
// ...
    public function unsubscribe(string $email): void
        $existing = $this->customerRepo->findOneNewsletterSubscriberByEmail($email);
        if (!$existing) {
            $this->logger->warning('Tried to unsubscribe non-existent subscriber', ['email' => $email]);

        if (!$existing->isSubscribedToNewsletter()) {
            $this->logger->info('Tried to unsubscribe a non-subscriber', ['email' => $email]);

        $existing->getNewsletterSubscription()->setUnsubscribedAt(new DateTimeImmutable);


// NewsletterServiceTest.php
class NewsletterServiceTest extends KernelTestCase
    public function testUnsubscribesNewsletterSubscriber(): void
        /** @var Proxy|NewsletterSubscriber $sub */
        $sub = NewsletterSubscriberFixtures::new()->create(
                'email' => '[email protected]',
                'zipcode' => '12345',
                'newsletterSubscription' => NewsletterSubscriptionFixtures::createOne([
                    'subscribedAt' => new DateTimeImmutable('-1 day'),
                    'unsubscribedAt' => null,


        /** @var NewsletterService $service */
        $service = static::getContainer()->get(NewsletterService::class);
        $service->unsubscribe('[email protected]');

        // I have auto refresh on, but just to be clear:
        $this->assertNotTrue($sub->isSubscribedToNewsletter()); // fails

As you can see, the unsubscribe method finds the NewsletterSubscriber from the repository. (Note: it does find it, I debugged that.) It then sets the unsubscribedAt property. After the unsubscribe call the $sub still has unsubscribedAt = null, which shouldn't be the case as it was set by NewsletterService::unsubscribe and flushed to database.

If I write $em = static::getContainer()->get(EntityManagerInterface::class), I can see in the debugger that unsubscribedAt is set in $em->unitOfWork, but not in $sub->object. I think I can therefore say that this isn't a problem regarding the business logic.

Further digging:

If I add a setUp method like below

    protected function setUp(): void
        \Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\TestState::bootFoundry((new Configuration())

it works. The issue here is that my default locale in config/packages/test/zenstruck_foundry.yaml isn't loaded, which I need in my factories. Also, the above setUp doesn't seem to be the intended way of doing things.

1 Answer 1


I forgot to add

// ...
use Zenstruck\Foundry\Test\Factories;
// ...

class NewsletterService extends KernelTestCase
    use Factories;
    // ...

as per the documentation. This trait has a setUp function for test-cases involving the kernel (such as KernelTestCase and WebTestCase).

  • Does that answer your question then? If not, please edit your question (and put it in there), not as an answer. If it answered, please mark it as the solution.
    – hakre
    Commented Jun 14, 2022 at 18:37
  • Same here. I also forgot to implement the trait.
    – Slowwie
    Commented Apr 26 at 14:52

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