I am trying to rank order number the list elements in the “Drag to” panel on the right when running the below "Reproducible Code". See image at the bottom for an illustration.

I found an example, Add index to sortable object text in R Sortable, where list elements are rank order numbered using HTML with the same sortable package. However, this example uses sortable's bucket_list() and add_rank_list() and that html snippet only works in conjunction with those functions. For “cloning” reasons I’m using sortable_js() instead of bucket_list() and add_rank_list().

How can I add rank order numbers to those list elements?

Reproducible Code:


icons <- function(x) {lapply(x,function(x){tags$div(tags$strong(x))})}

ui <- fluidPage(
    style = "margin-top: 2rem; width: 60%; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr; gap: 2rem; align-items: start;",

        class = "panel panel-default",
        div(class = "panel-heading", "Drag from here"),
          class = "panel-body",
          id = "drag_from",
          icons(c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E"))
        class = "panel panel-default",
        div(class = "panel-heading", "Drag to here"),
          class = "panel-body",
          id = "drag_to"
    options = sortable_options(
      group = list(
        pull = "clone",
        name = "group1",
        put = FALSE
    options = sortable_options(
      group = list(
        group = "group1",
        put = TRUE,
        pull = TRUE
      onAdd = htmlwidgets::JS() # something that works here to rank order number to each element dragged in?

server <- function(input, output) {}

shinyApp(ui, server)


enter image description here

1 Answer 1


If you only target the display format, you could include some custom CSS to enumerate the CSS-selected elements like so:

ui <- fluidPage(
             #drag_to {list-style-type: none;  counter-reset: css-counter 0;}
             #drag_to > div {counter-increment: css-counter 1;}
             #drag_to > div:before {content: counter(css-counter) ". ";}
      ) ##, etc.

I'd also suggest you choose a cursor style which signals a draggable item (currently you're using one for text input). Add this to above CSS declarations if desired:

    #drag_from > div {cursor: move; #fallback
                      cursor: grab; cursor: -moz-grab;
                      cursor: -webkit-grab;
  • 1
    That works very nicely, thank you! I've been stuck deep into this, searching and researching with no luck for days. You have completely bailed me out of the ditch. HTML/CSS is very new to me and not so easy to learn. Jun 1, 2022 at 11:13
  • Maybe CSS wouldn't have come into my mind, hadn't I needed to do some CSS fiddling right before your question popped up. Guess that sort of anchored me :-)
    – user18309711
    Jun 1, 2022 at 12:51

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