Is there a more pythonic way of converting excel-style columns to numbers (starting with 1)?

Working code up to two letters:

def column_to_number(c):
    """Return number corresponding to excel-style column."""
    for l in c:
        if not l in string.ascii_letters:
            return False
    return number

Code runs:

>>> column_to_number('2')
>>> column_to_number('A')
>>> column_to_number('AB')

Three letters not working.

>>> column_to_number('ABA')
>>> column_to_number('AAB')

Reference: question answered in C#

17 Answers 17


There is a way to make it more pythonic (works with three or more letters and uses less magic numbers):

def col2num(col):
    num = 0
    for c in col:
        if c in string.ascii_letters:
            num = num * 26 + (ord(c.upper()) - ord('A')) + 1
    return num

And as a one-liner using reduce (does not check input and is less readable so I don't recommend it):

col2num = lambda col: reduce(lambda x, y: x*26 + y, [ord(c.upper()) - ord('A') + 1 for c in col])
  • 1
    And how do you go back the other way?
    – Aaron Hall
    Commented Jul 23, 2014 at 20:51
  • To go back the other way see @Devon's answer
    – Eli_B
    Commented May 14, 2019 at 11:37
  • By using this function: stackoverflow.com/a/23862195/5875288 Commented Jan 7, 2020 at 16:57
  • 1
    It's a bit like computing an integer value from a string of digits. Except that here it is on base 26 instead of 10.
    – Sylvain
    Commented Jul 31, 2020 at 10:06

One-liners tested in Python 2.7.1 and 3.5.2

excel_col_num = lambda a: 0 if a == '' else 1 + ord(a[-1]) - ord('A') + 26 * excel_col_num(a[:-1])

excel_col_name = lambda n: '' if n <= 0 else excel_col_name((n - 1) // 26) + chr((n - 1) % 26 + ord('A'))

Multi-liners likewise

def excel_column_name(n):
    """Number to Excel-style column name, e.g., 1 = A, 26 = Z, 27 = AA, 703 = AAA."""
    name = ''
    while n > 0:
        n, r = divmod (n - 1, 26)
        name = chr(r + ord('A')) + name
    return name

def excel_column_number(name):
    """Excel-style column name to number, e.g., A = 1, Z = 26, AA = 27, AAA = 703."""
    n = 0
    for c in name:
        n = n * 26 + 1 + ord(c) - ord('A')
    return n

def test (name, number):
    for n in [0, 1, 2, 3, 24, 25, 26, 27, 702, 703, 704, 2708874, 1110829947]:
        a = name(n)
        n2 = number(a)
        a2 = name(n2)
        print ("%10d  %-9s  %s" % (n, a, "ok" if a == a2 and n == n2 else "error %d %s" % (n2, a2)))

test (excel_column_name, excel_column_number)
test (excel_col_name, excel_col_num)

All tests print

         0             ok
         1  A          ok
         2  B          ok
         3  C          ok
        24  X          ok
        25  Y          ok
        26  Z          ok
        27  AA         ok
       702  ZZ         ok
       703  AAA        ok
       704  AAB        ok
   2708874  EXCEL      ok
1110829947  COLUMNS    ok

You could just add the following to the console after installing the openpyxl module:

>>> from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter, column_index_from_string

>>> get_column_letter(1)
>>> column_index_from_string('A')

Just change the letters and number to suit your needs.

  • This is a perfect solution if openpyxl is already being used for reading xls files. Commented Apr 29 at 11:27

Here is one way to do it. It is a variation on code in the XlsxWriter module:

def col_to_num(col_str):
    """ Convert base26 column string to number. """
    expn = 0
    col_num = 0
    for char in reversed(col_str):
        col_num += (ord(char) - ord('A') + 1) * (26 ** expn)
        expn += 1

    return col_num

>>> col_to_num('A')
>>> col_to_num('AB')
>>> col_to_num('ABA')
>>> col_to_num('AAB')

Using openpyxl

import openpyxl
(column_string, row) = openpyxl.cell.coordinate_from_string(address)
column = openpyxl.cell.column_index_from_string(column_string) 

This should do, in VBA, what you're looking for:

Function columnNumber(colLetter As String) As Integer

    Dim colNumber As Integer
    Dim i As Integer

    colLetter = UCase(colLetter)
    colNumber = 0
    For i = 1 To Len(colLetter)
        colNumber = colNumber + (Asc(Mid(colLetter, Len(colLetter) - i + 1, 1)) - 64) * 26 ^ (i - 1)

    columnNumber = colNumber

End Function

You can use it as you would an Excel formula--enter column, in letters, as a string (eg, "AA") and should work regardless of column length.

Your code breaks when dealing with three letters because of the way you're doing the counting--you need to use base 26.


After reading this, I decided to find a way to do it directly in Excel cells. It even accounts for columns after Z.

Just paste this formula into a cell of any row of any column and it will give you the corresponding number.


The theme here was to grab the letter of the column, get the Code() of it and subtract 64, based on the fact that the ASCII character code for letter A is 64.


I made this one-liner:

colNameToNum = lambda cn: sum([((ord(cn[-1-pos]) - 64) * 26 ** pos) for pos in range(len(cn))])

It works by iterating through the letters in reverse order and multiplying by 1, 26, 26 * 26 etc, then summing the list. This method would be compatible with longer strings of letters, too.

I call it with:

print(colNameToNum("AA")) # 27


print(colNameToNum("XFD")) # the highest column allowed, I believe. Result = 16384


You could use this oneliner using comprehension and string that is fairly easy to use:

sum([string.ascii_lowercase.index(c) + 26 ** i for i,c in enumerate(col_letters)])
  • ZY returns 76. should return 701.
    – Ishvara
    Commented Oct 9, 2022 at 8:08

Here's what I use (wrote before I found this page):

def col_to_index(col):
    return sum((ord(c) - 64) * 26**i for i, c in enumerate(reversed(col))) - 1

And some runs:

>>> col_to_index('A')
>>> col_to_index('AB')
>>> col_to_index('ABCD')


LETTERS = list(string.ascii_uppercase)
def column_number(column_id):
    return sum([(LETTERS.index(j)+1)*(26**i) for i,j in enumerate(column_id[::-1])])

There are several parts to this one-liner, so here's the explanation:

column_id[::-1]: reverses the string, e.g. converts 'AZ' to 'ZA', there's a good reason to do so, which we will see in a bit.

enumerate(): produces a iterable, e.g. (0, 'Z'), (1, 'A')

With some observation:

 A -> 1  = (26**0)*1              # ** is the exponential operator
 B -> 2  = (26**0)*2 
 Z -> 26 = (26**0)*26
AA -> 27 = (26**0)*1  + (26**1)*1
AB -> 28 = (26**0)*2  + (26**1)*1
AZ -> 52 = (26**0)*26 + (26**1)*1  # recall that we have (0, 'Z'), (1, 'A')

Reversing the column_id and enumerate() allows us to use the index as the exponent for 26. The rest is now trivial.

LETTERS.index(j): gives us the index of the letter in LETTERS

sum(): takes a list of numbers and returns the total.


Here is a recursive solution:

def column_string_to_num(s):
    n = ord(s[-1]) - 64
    if s[:-1]:
        return 26 * (column_string_to_num(s[:-1])) + n
        return n
#output: 28

The inverse can also be defined recursively, in a similar way:

def column_num_to_string(n):
    n, rem = divmod(n - 1, 26)
    next_char = chr(65 + rem)
    if n:
        return column_string(n) + next_char
        return next_char

#output: 'AB'

Concise and elegant Ruby version:

def col_num(col_name)
    col_name.split(//).inject(0) { |n, c| n * 26 + c.upcase.ord - "A".ord + 1 }
  • 1
    The question has nothing to do with Ruby.
    – arogachev
    Commented Apr 29, 2016 at 5:50

I'm not sure I understand properly, do you want to "translate" the referenced C# code to python? If so, you were on the right track; just modify it so:

def column_to_number(c):
  """Return number corresponding to excel-style column."""
  sum = 0
  for l in c:
    if not l in string.ascii_letters:
      return False
  return sum

just do :

print ws.Range("E2").Column

call example :

from win32com import client
xl = client.Dispatch("Excel.Application")
wb = xl.Workbooks.Open("c:/somePath/file.xls")
xl.Visible = 1
ws = wb.Sheets("sheet 1")
print ws.Range("E2").Column

result :


For index that starts from zero (e.g. A = 0, B = 1, and so on):

def col_to_index(col):
    A = ord('A')
    return sum(i * 26 + (ord(c) - A) for i, c in enumerate(col[::-1].upper()))

You could also do it by a series of multiplies and adds as follows. Here "A" will equal to 1. Running time is O(n) where n is the length of the column, col.

import functools
def spreadsheet_column_encoding(col):
    return functools.reduce(
        lambda result, char: result * 26 + ord(char) - ord("A") + 1, col, 0

E.g ZZ = 702:

0 * 26 + 90 - 65 + 1 = 26
26 * 26 + 90 - 65 + 1 = 702

P.S: ord('Z') = 90

To convert number to column letter, kindly see my answer here. You get to do the opposite using division and modulus calculations.

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