I have output of parsed template, is there any way i get data model extracted from parsed template based on template with placeholders?


<h1>Welcome ${user}!</h1>
<p>Our latest product:
  <a href="${latestProduct.url}">${latestProduct.name}</a>!

parsed template

<h1>Welcome Big Joe!</h1>
<p>Our latest product:
  <a href="products/greenmouse.html">green mouse</a>!

so is there any way to get data model for the template?

template + data model = output will give parsed template so is there something like

template - output = data model ?

1 Answer 1


There isn't, as it's fundamentally an one-way process. If you just have <#if someCondition>${x}<#else>${y}</#if>, which is a fairly trivial template, it's already impossible to tell if what you have in the output is the value of x or y.

  • Thanks for response but i have already realized that it can not be done.
    – pjsagar
    Jun 20, 2022 at 17:31

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