in laravel 9 I implement many to many relationship.

I have three table, shop , product and product_shop table.

each shop can have number of every single product. and each product can exist in multiple shops.

the question is how can I insert/get the number of product inside the product_shop table?

what relationship syntax I have to use?

product_shop table :





1 Answer 1


You can use pivot. For example,

$product = $shop->products()->withPivot(['number'])->first();
$number = $product->pivot->number;

And if you want to insert,

$shop->products()->attach([$product_id => ['number' => $your_value]]);
  • $product = $shop->products()->withPivot(['number'])->first(); how can I set the query? for example , where('number', '>' , "5') ? Jun 16, 2022 at 5:59
  • 1
    $product = $shop->products()->withPivot(['number'])->wherePivot('number', '>', 5)->get(); It works for me
    – devcrazy
    Jun 16, 2022 at 6:01
  • sorry, I could not found that how can I update the number field id pivot table ? Jun 18, 2022 at 10:30

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