I try to translate missing strings in WooCommerce. I use Loco translate but these strings are not there. I could add one filter, but I don't know which hooks I have to use

"Coupon Code" "Code here" "Apply coupon" "Update cart" "Back to cart" "Your order" "Related"

I could successfully translate "Related Products" with this filter


   return 'Services connexes';


Which filter can I use for the other strings or where can I find these?


1 Answer 1


The best filter to fit here is gettext_{$domain} for translating specific domain/plugin-related texts.

add_filter('gettext_woocommerce', 'translate_woocommerce_strings');

function translate_woocommerce_strings($string) {

    switch ($string) {
        case 'Apply coupon':
            $string = 'Apply koupon';
        case 'Update cart':
            $string = 'Update kart';
    return $string;

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