I want to add some additional functionality when the queue is finished. I am using the queue::after function in the AppServiceProvider but this function is not being triggered. I have tried many solutions which were provided in the same kind of questions on StackOverflow like restarting the queue worker, clearing the cache and composer dump-autoload but didn't get any help.

 public function boot()
        Queue::after(function (JobProcessed $event) {
            \Log::debug("Queue after"); // it should be printed in the logger

Any idea where am I going wrong?

  • Double-check your logging level. I was able to get this working with Log::info instead of Log::debug since my logging level is info.
    – aynber
    Jun 20, 2022 at 13:52
  • Tried with \Log::info("Queue after"); still not working Jun 20, 2022 at 13:56
  • What is your current logging channel/settings?
    – aynber
    Jun 20, 2022 at 13:58
  • laravel telescope and daily logger files Jun 20, 2022 at 13:59


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