I am currently get this duplicated key warning "Warning: Encountered two children with the same key". However, I am unsure where this duplication of key comes from. I am using the fileData id as my key which should be unique as it is firebase generated id. Therefore, I am not so sure what is happening behind here.
Here are my codes below and the warning I get.
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import * as AiIcons from "react-icons/ai";
import * as FaIcons from "react-icons/fa";
import { database } from "../../../firebase";
import ViewImageFileModal from "../../modals/multimediaModals/view/ViewImageFileModal";
* It's a component that displays audio, video, and image files
* @param props - The props object that is passed to the component.
* @returns The MultimediaDetails component is being returned.
const MultimediaDetails = (props) => {
/* Destructuring the props object. */
const { pId } = props;
/* Setting the state of the component. */
const [imageData, setImageData] = useState([]);
const [imageMessage, setImageMessage] = useState(true);
const userType = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("admin") ?? false);
// Modal Variables
const [showViewImageModal, setShowViewImageModal] = useState(false);
const [fileData, setFileData] = useState(Object);
* When the user clicks on the audio, video, or image file, the file data is set and the modal is
* toggled.
* @param obj
const viewImageFile = (obj) => {
/* The function to toggle modal states */
const toggleAddImageModal = () => setShowAddImageModal((p) => !p);
const toggleViewImageModal = () => setShowViewImageModal((p) => !p);
useEffect(() => {
/* Query data from database and listening for changes. */
const imageQuery = database.portfolioRef.doc(pId).collection("images");
const unsubscribeImage = imageQuery.onSnapshot((snapshot) => {
if (snapshot.docs.length !== 0) {
snapshot.docs.map((doc) => ({ ...doc.data(), id: doc.id }))
} else {
return () => {
}, [pId]);
return (
<div className="multimedia-section">
<div id="image-section">
<div id="image-header">
{userType ? (
<button className="addbtn" onClick={() => toggleAddImageModal()}>
<AiIcons.AiOutlinePlus /> Add Image File
) : (
<div id="image-content" className="multimedia-flex">
{imageMessage ? (
<p>There is not existing images for this portfolio.</p>
) : (
{imageData.map((doc) => (
onClick={() => viewImageFile(doc)}
<FaIcons.FaImage /> {doc.imageName}
export default MultimediaDetails;
The initialised values for the Modal.
/* Setting the initial state of the component. */
const valueState = {
name: '',
description: ''
const { currentUser } = useAuth();
const [formStateDisabled, setFormStateDisabled] = useState(true);
const [deleteState, setDeleteState] = useState(false);
const [message, setMessage] = useState('');
const [imageUrl, setImageUrl] = useState("");
const [loadForm, setLoadForm] = useState(false)
const [view, setView] = useState(false);
/* Destructuring the props object. */
const { show, toggleModal } = props;
const { handleChange, handleSubmit, values, errors, loading } =
useForm(validateUpdate, valueState, handleUpdate);
useEffect(() => {
if (Object.keys(props.data).length !== 0) {
values.name = props.data.imageName;
values.description = props.data.imageDesc;
}, [])
The warning I get (Shown Below), each time I click on the modal button to open the button, I noticed the warning actually repeats twice, and when I close it, it repeats another 2 times making it 4. I am not sure what is the cause of this, please help! Thank you!
Updates of trials I only have 4 rows of data, all of which has its own unique id. Therefore I am unsure of where the duplicated key came from. However, if I remove the modal key "fileData.id" this warning would disappear. However, my component state will not reset and there will be a lot of props data issue that would surface. Where data for the previously clicked button will appear on the another button. Or the data might not appear at all.
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is the output for the map buttons
I don't see any duplicates, and I am not sure where the issue is. Is there something I am doing wrong to cause this error. I checked my DB there isn't any data error as well.
with a shared parent. Try adding akey=
attribute on those.