composer install package jenssegers/mongodb

I have a list of documents in which there is a date field as follows


how to filter out data with only date and time distinct condition

/** @var $db Jenssegers\Mongodb\Query\Builder */ $db = DB::connection('mgdb')->table('test');

->whereDate('dateShot', '>=', Carbon::parse('2020-05-28'))
->whereDate('dateShot', '<=', Carbon::parse('2020-05-29'))
->whereTime('dateShot', '>=', Carbon::parse('06:00'))
->whereTime('dateShot', '<=', Carbon::parse('08:00'))


->whereDate('dateShot', '>=', '2020-05-28')
->whereDate('dateShot', '<=', '2020-05-29')
->whereTime('dateShot', '>=', '06:00')
->whereTime('dateShot', '<=', '08:00')


->where('dateShot', '>=', '2020-05-28 00:00:00')
->where('dateShot', '<=', '2020-05-29 23:59:59')
->whereTime('dateShot', '>=', '06:00')
->whereTime('dateShot', '<=', '08:00')

All examples above return null, with the above examples used on mysql is ok.

Thank !

1 Answer 1


Please use whereBetween

YourModel::whereBetween('created_at', [new Carbon(2020-05-28 . ' ' . '00:00:00'), new Carbon(2020-05-28 . ' ' . '23:59:59')])
                        ->orderBy("created_at", 'desc');
  • How about filtering the time, every day from 6am to 8am? where date 2020-05-01 where date 2020-05-28 where time 06:00 where time 08:00 Jul 1, 2022 at 14:37

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