We are facing some issues with all the pipeline a specific Azure DevOps project. When we are running it getting below error.
All these projects are calling KeyVault from the code to get the secret during build (we are using Build Cake extension) , it is failing now in pipeline. All these pipelines were working previously, even the pipelines working previously (not modified) also not working under same project.
{"error":{"code":"Unauthorized","message":"AKV10032: Invalid issuer. Expected one of https://sts.windows.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/, https://sts.windows.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/, https://sts.windows.net/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/, found https://sts.windows.net/72f988bf-86f1-41af-91ab-2d7cd011db47/."}}
`- task: AzureCLI@2
displayName: 'Cake Build with Azure CLI and Dotnet'
scriptType: bash
scriptLocation: inlineScript
azureSubscription: 'Found-TEST'
addSpnToEnvironment: true
inlineScript: |
az account set -s "XXXX-XXXXX-XXXXXX-"
az account list
dotnet run --project ${{parameters.project}}`
Steps/fixes we have followed
- Updated PAT Checked Service connection – it is correct
- Tried to access KeyVault from pipeline. Working.
- Tested the code locally to get the secret – Working
- We have set the subscription properly before calling dotnet project