People always show the same example when I read articles about concurrency in kotlin coroutine or golang goroutine.

Create 100_000 Threads in Java or C#, ooopps Stackoverflow.

Yes. but anyone Who uses directly Thread classes in Java or C#?

In java and C#, There are thread pools for CompletableFuture and Task.

When We try to create 100_000 Task or CompletableFuture, We can do that easily with ExecuterService/ForkJoinPool or dotnet DefaultThread Pool. They will reuse the threads. If there is no available thread. Tasks will wait in the queue.

My Questions;

  1. yes structured concurrency is good for cancellations. But Kotlin uses the Thread Pool like CompletableFuture. But unlike Java Callbacks, It provides natural code syntax. The only Difference is Syntax for Kotlin coroutine between c# Task or Java CompletableFuture?

  2. Kotlin runs on JVM. as far as I know, JVM doesn't support green Threads. But people talk like kotlin uses Green Threads. How is that possible with JVM? And Why Coroutines are called Lightweight Threads. Then We can say CompletableFuture and Task are Lightweight Thread too. Right?

Yes, golang has a scheduler. goroutines are user-level threads. When we create a goroutine it goes to localrunqueue. And a dedicated OS thread gets goroutines one by one from that queue and executes. There are no context switch operations. All of them run on the same OS Thread until blocking. Goroutines are cheap and We can say that YES goroutines are Lightweight Threads.

Maybe I'm completely wrong about coroutines. please correct me.

  • You are correct: coroutines are basically the same thing as completable futures, just with a much simpler and more straightforward syntax. There's not necessarily that much difference between that and green threads. Jul 15, 2022 at 21:44
  • Last paragraph is correct, except it is not one OS Thread. Goroutines are executed on multiple threads if necessary - stackoverflow.com/a/39246575/1420332 Jul 16, 2022 at 1:21
  • yes, I know. I focused only for one logical processer Jul 16, 2022 at 2:22

1 Answer 1


Making things simple:

  1. Thread - easy to use, because it is sequential. Reading from the network and writing to a file is as simple as: writeToDisk(readFromNetwork()). On the other hand, it is expensive to run each task in a separate thread.
  2. Executors/CompletableFuture - more performant, it makes better use of both CPU and memory. On the other hand, it requires using callbacks and the code quickly becomes hard to read and maintain.
  3. Coroutines - both sequential and performant.

I ignore other features of coroutines like structured concurrency, because this was not your main concern.

  • So as I said the only difference is syntax. But Why do people call it lightweight? Jul 15, 2022 at 22:24
  • Yes, it is a difference in syntax if you compare to 2., but it is a difference in performance if you compare to 1. This is why they are called "lightweight threads". They work like threads, but are not heavy.
    – broot
    Jul 15, 2022 at 22:29
  • How is that possible? what do you mean "They work like threads, but are not heavy." like goroutines? Jul 15, 2022 at 22:34
  • I mean they are like threads, because they are sequential by nature. Imagine you work with actor model or some other code where you have several components that exchange messages between each other. Each of them is some kind of an infinite loop where it reads data from its input(s) and writes to its output(s). Normally, you would spawn a separate thread per each component, so it can stay in a loop forever. 1000 components - 1000 threads. With coroutines you spawn 1000 coroutines and the code is very similar to the previous one, but internally it runs on e.g. 8 threads.
    – broot
    Jul 15, 2022 at 22:50
  • So this is why I say they are like threads. You spawn them, they run some code, potentially indefinitely, if they have to wait for something, they just wait in-line, etc. Implementing the same with CompletableFuture is a much different story, you need to do it in a much different way. So from the end user perspective coroutines are functionally very similar to threads. From the technical perspective, they work in a very similar way to executors and futures.
    – broot
    Jul 15, 2022 at 22:55

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