Here's the scenario: I'm getting .9999999999999999 when I should be getting 1.0.
I can afford to lose a decimal place of precision, so I'm using .toFixed(15), which kind of works.

The rounding works, but the problem is that I'm given 1.000000000000000.
Is there a way to round to a number of decimal places, but strip extra whitespace?

Note: .toPrecision isn't what I want; I only want to specify how many numbers after the decimal point.
Note 2: I can't just use .toPrecision(1) because I need to keep the high precision for numbers that actually have data after the decimal point. Ideally, there would be exactly as many decimal places as necessary (up to 15).

  • The point being that .toFixed returns a String, so just round-tripping it via a Number and then back to a String will reconvert it without the trailing zeros.
    – Neil
    Commented Sep 5, 2011 at 21:01
  • @Nathan: just for clarification. Do you just want to remove the trailing zeros in the string that you got with toFixed()?
    – Jiri Kriz
    Commented Sep 5, 2011 at 21:41

11 Answers 11

>>> parseFloat(0.9999999.toFixed(4));
>>> parseFloat(0.0009999999.toFixed(4));
>>> parseFloat(0.0000009999999.toFixed(4));
  • 4
    Don't forget to put them in parentheses when you treat negative numbers: -2.34.toFixed(1) returns -2.3 due to the operator precedence. Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 3:38
  • 5
    Using the unary + operator should be faster than the parseFloat function: +number.toFixed(13) This expression can also be used to remove JavaScript number inaccuracies like in 1.0000000000000045.
    – ygoe
    Commented Apr 4, 2019 at 11:09

Yes, there is a way. Use parseFloat().

parseFloat((1.005).toFixed(15)) //==> 1.005
parseFloat((1.000000000).toFixed(15)) //==> 1

See a live example here: http://jsfiddle.net/nayish/7JBJw/

  • 5
    Doesn't work for parseFloat("0.0000007"), which gives "7e-7" Commented Oct 5, 2017 at 15:40
  • @MattHuggins it doesn't give "7e-7" it gives 7e-7 which is the valid representation of that number. See typeof 7e-7 or simply 1 + 7e-7
    – Hashbrown
    Commented May 15 at 10:15

As I understand, you want to remove the trailing zeros in the string that you obtained via toFixed(). This is a pure string operation:

var x = 1.1230000;
var y = x.toFixed(15).replace(/0+$/, "");  // ==> 1.123
  • 7
    You're the only one who really answered the question.. thanks!
    – Mugen
    Commented Mar 29, 2013 at 8:51
  • 5
    This leaves the dot on round numbers ("100.00" => "100.")
    – pckill
    Commented Aug 26, 2013 at 14:38
  • 5
    @pckill if you don't want the dot you could include it in the regular expression to be replaced (...replace(/\.?0+$/, "");).
    – Zach Snow
    Commented Oct 1, 2013 at 21:01
  • That fails on 0 and -0 because 0 becomes the empty string "", and -0 becomes -, neither of which are expected (at a guess). @zach-snow your suggested solution also fails on 0 and -0.
    – robocat
    Commented May 7, 2015 at 3:48
  • @Mugen, what was the problem with Gus's answer?
    – trysis
    Commented Aug 17, 2015 at 16:29

Number(n.toFixed(15)) or +(n.toFixed(15)) will convert the 15 place decimal string to a number, removing trailing zeroes.

  • 1
    Thought I'd point it out, +(n.toFixed(...)) is much more efficient than parseFloat. Not sure why, but its also more efficient than Number in Chrome.
    – Domino
    Commented May 6, 2015 at 18:01

If you cast the return value to a number, those trailing zeroes will be dropped. This is also less verbose than parseFloat() is.

//-> 4.56

//-> 4

This uses the unary + operator, so if using this as part of a string operation you need to have an infix + before it: var n=0.9999999999999999; console.log('output ' + +n.toFixed(2));. FYI a unary + in front of a string converts it to a Number. From MDN: Unary + can:

convert string representations of integers and floats, as well as the non-string values true, false, and null. Integers in both decimal and hexadecimal ("0x"-prefixed) formats are supported. Negative numbers are supported (though not for hex). If it cannot parse a particular value, it will evaluate to NaN.

  • 1
    @robocat I've just done a simple check; +(4.1).toFixed(4) is 4.1 in Chrome 60. Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 3:41
  • I don't get it. What was the reason why this answer got downvoted? Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 3:43
  • @K You were right so I deleted my previous comment and added to the answer (I think I was using infix + with a string on lhs, rather than correctly using unary +. Usually I am more careful! Cheers)
    – robocat
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 4:55
  • This answer still works with NaN, Infinity, -Infinity, 3e30, and 0. Some other answers fail on some corner cases.
    – robocat
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 4:56
  • (4).toFixed(2) -> "4.00" in Chrome 60.0.3112.113
    – Daniel Que
    Commented Aug 29, 2017 at 18:13

None of these really got me what I was looking for based on the question title, which was, for example, for 5.00 to be 5 and 5.10 to be 5.1. My solution was as follows:

num.toFixed(places).replace(/\.?0+$/, '')

'5.00'.replace(/\.?0+$/, '') // 5
'5.10'.replace(/\.?0+$/, '') // 5.1
'5.0000001'.replace(/\.?0+$/, '') // 5.0000001
'5.0001000'.replace(/\.?0+$/, '') // 5.0001

Note: The regex only works if places > 0

P.S. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number/toFixed

  • 1
    Fails on 5e30 (changes number to 5e3). Corner cases are diabolical!
    – robocat
    Commented Aug 28, 2017 at 4:30

most efficient and bets method I found is below

function round(value, decimals) {
  return Number(Math.round(value+'e'+decimals)+'e-'+decimals);

The toFixed() method formats a number using fixed-point notation, and returns a string.

It applies a half-up rounding strategy.

(0.124).toFixed(2); // returns 0.12
(0.125).toFixed(2); // returns 0.13

As you described, it will indeed also result in (potentially unnecessary) trailing zeroes sometimes.

(0.001).toFixed(2); // returns 0.00

You may not want to get rid of those trailing zeroes, essentially you could just convert it back to a number. There are many ways to do this.

+(0.001).toFixed(2); // the shortest

For an overview, of the different methods to convert strings to numbers, please check this question, which has some excellent answers.


I have tried almost all methods suggested by experts here and there.

Finally, I am satisfied with my own answer. As I came to know Math.round is more precise than .toFixed() method, I have used Math.round method.

Math.round(parseFloat(numberString)*100000)/100000; // to round upto 5 decimal places

Math.round(parseFloat(numberString)*1000)/1000; // to round upto 3 decimal places

For Example

  Math.round(parseFloat("1.234567")*100000)/100000 >>> 1.23457
  Math.round(parseFloat("1.234567")*1000)/1000 >>> 1.235
  Math.round(parseFloat("1.001")*100000)/100000 >>> 1.001
  Math.round(parseFloat("1.001")*1000)/1000 >>> 1.001
  Math.round(parseFloat("1.0010005")*100000)/100000 >>> 1.001
  Math.round(parseFloat("1.0010005")*1000)/1000 >>> 1.001
  Math.round(parseFloat("1.001000")*100000)/100000 >>> 1.001
  Math.round(parseFloat("1.001000")*1000)/1000 >>> 1.001
  Math.round(parseFloat("0.000100")*100000)/100000 >>> 1.0E-4
  Math.round(parseFloat("0.000100")*1000)/1000 >>> 0.0

There is a better method which keeps precision and also strips the zeros. This takes an input number and through some magic of casting will pull off any trailing zeros. I've found 16 to be the precision limit for me which is pretty good should you not be putting a satellite on pluto.

function convertToFixed(inputnum)

      var mynum = inputnum.toPrecision(16);
//If you have a string already ignore this first line and change mynum.toString to the inputnum

      var mynumstr = mynum.toString();
    return parseFloat(mynumstr);

You can use The toFixed() method to format a number using fixed-point notation. Keep in mind that the parameter may be a value between 0 and 20. This returns your rounded number as a string, but it will still contain the trailing zeros. You can then use parseFloat to get your rounded number without the trailing zeros. Examples:

function prettyRound(num, decimals) {
  return parseFloat(num.toFixed(decimals));

const numberToRound = 1.12006
console.log(prettyRound(numberToRound, 3))

const anotherToRound = 1.10006
console.log(prettyRound(anotherToRound, 4))

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