Suppose I have a number of C structs for which I would like a particular set of functions to operate upon.

I'm wondering if the following is a legitimate approach:

typedef struct Base {
     int exampleMember;
     // ...
} Base;

typedef struct Foo {
     Base base;
     // ...
} Foo;

typedef struct Bar {
     Base base;
     // ...
} Bar;

void MethodOperatesOnBase(void *);

void MethodOperatesOnBase(void * obj)
     Base * base = obj;

In the example you'll notice that both structs Foo and Bar begin with a Base member.

And, that in MethodOperatesOnBase, I cast the void * parameter to Base *.

I'd like to pass pointers to Bar and pointers to Foo to this method and rely on the first member of the struct to be a Base struct.

Is this acceptable, or are there some (possibly compiler-specific) issues I need to be aware of? (Such as some sort of packing/padding scheme that would change the location of the first member of a struct?)

  • 2
    Any reason why you don't just use C++? Sep 5, 2011 at 20:43
  • Yes. But point well taken. I am trying to imitate a super-simple inheritance mechanism for a limited number of structs in my project.
    – Steve
    Sep 5, 2011 at 20:46
  • 2
    I understand what you're saying, but I can't for this project.
    – Steve
    Sep 5, 2011 at 20:51
  • 1
    Is this homework? Been out of school for 10 years, but thanks. LOL
    – Steve
    Sep 5, 2011 at 20:53
  • 4
    @Jonathan Grynspan: It's a legitimate question. Suppose your program is 10,000 lines long and written in C. Then you have like about 100 lines of where you need to do this struct-punning. In that case, it's probably worth it to use a bit more effort to keep the entire program compatible in C.
    – Mysticial
    Sep 5, 2011 at 21:04

3 Answers 3


Yes, the C standard specifically guarantees that this will work.

(C1x § "A pointer to a structure object, suitably converted, points to its initial member ... and vice versa. There may be unnamed padding within as structure object, but not at its beginning.")


The whole gtk+ is implemented like that. I cannot think of a better example. Take a look at http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/tree/gtk/


I'm not disagreeing with any of the answers saying that what you suggested will work, but in the interests of a more complete discussion (without suggesting you use C++!), why not do something like

typedef struct Base ...  /* The types defined exactly as before */
typedef struct Foo ...
typedef struct Bar ...

/* The function takes a Base* since that is what it actually works with*/
void MethodOperatesOnBase(Base* pbase)
    /* Do something... */

/* Now call it like this: */
Foo foo;
Bar bar;


Is there some reason that won't work and you need to use void *? I don't see that this is much more work and it does have the advantage of type-safety.

  • Well, In my particular case, the reason is because Foo and Bar are being exposed as opaque pointers.
    – Steve
    Sep 5, 2011 at 21:39
  • 1
    @ Steve: OK, so the caller isn't able to make the reference to the base member and you have to do it by reinterpreting the struct pointer. That makes sense, thanks for clarifying.
    – AAT
    Sep 5, 2011 at 21:48

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