I'm reading the C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup and in Chapter 28 about metaprogramming in Section 28.4.4 there is a code similar to the following example:

#include <type_traits>
#include <string>

struct substitution_failure {};

template <typename T>
struct substitution_succeeded : std::true_type {};

template <>
struct substitution_succeeded<substitution_failure> : std::false_type {};

double f(double x)
  return x;

template <typename T>
class get_f_result
  template <typename X>
  static auto check(const X& x) -> decltype(f(x));

  static substitution_failure check(...);

  using type = decltype(check(std::declval<T>()));

template <typename T>
struct has_f : substitution_succeeded<typename get_f_result<T>::type> {};

template <typename T>
constexpr bool has_f_v()
  return has_f<T>::value;

template <typename T>
struct Foo
  template <typename = std::enable_if_t<has_f_v<T>()>>
  T foo(const T& t)
    return f(t);

int main()
  Foo<std::string> foo;
  return 0;

I expect thanks to the SFINAE the example to compile successfully after the foo method of the Foo class is never called, but it compiles only on MSVC and refuses to compile on GCC and Clang with the following error:

error: no type named 'type' in 'struct std::enable_if<false, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char> >'
 2611 |     using enable_if_t = typename enable_if<_Cond, _Tp>::type;

Why the example compiles only on MSVC and how to fix it to compile successfully also on GCC and Clang?

  • Might be an MSVC error where it's supposed to figure out the default value for the type argument of Foo::foo immediately even if foo isn't instantiated but it doesn't do so. Aug 9, 2022 at 17:06
  • @Nathan MSVC compiles without error or warning even if you add another member to Foo and actually call that. (I also thought that it may be optimizing-out the whole foo instance, but that isn't it.) Aug 9, 2022 at 17:19
  • 3
    There is no SFINAE in Foo::foo because T is already fixed by Foo itself. See here.
    – Evg
    Aug 9, 2022 at 17:19
  • 2
    @Evg Cool! Using template <typename U = T, typename = std::enable_if_t<has_f_v<U>()>> (and making the return type and arg for foo a U) works on clang. Aug 9, 2022 at 17:22


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