I have a string that resembles the following string:

'My substring1. My substring2: My substring3: My substring4'

Ideally, my aim is to extract 'My substring2' from this string with Python regex. However, I would also be pleased with a result that resembles '. My substring2:'

So far, I am able to extract

'. My substring2: My substring3:'



Alternatively, I have been able to extract - by using Wiktor Stribiżew's solution that deals with a somewhat similar problem posted in How can i extract words from a string before colon and excluding \n from them in python using regex -

'My substring1. My substring2'

specifically with


However, I have been unable, after many hours of searching and trying (I am quite new to regex), to combine the two results into a single effective regex expression that will extract 'My substring2' out of my aforementioned string.

I would be eternally greatfull if someone could help me find to correct regex expression to extract 'My substring2'. Thanks!


3 Answers 3


You can use non-greedy regex (with ?):

import re

s = "My substring1. My substring2: My substring3: My substring4"

print(re.search(r"\.\s*(.*?):", s).group(1))


My substring2
  • 1
    Thank you for your answer! Although I am obtaining '. My substring2:', it is nonetheless the desired result. Thanks!
    – Derk
    Commented Aug 15, 2022 at 21:23

You might for example exclude matching the dot as well, and use a capture group matching any char except the :



  • ^ Start of string
  • [^:-] The first char can not be either : or -
  • [^:.]* Optionally match any char except : or .
  • \.\s* Match a dot and optional whitespace chars
  • ([^:]+) Capture group 1, match 1+ chars other than :

Regex demo

Or a bit shorted if there can not be : . and - before matching the dot:


Regex demo | Python demo

For example

import re

s = "My substring1. My substring2: My substring3: My substring4"
pattern = r"[^:-][^:.]*\.\s*([^:]+)"
m = re.match(pattern, s)
if m:


My substring2
  • Thank you for your answer! Weirdly enough, the results between the regex demo and the extraction of desired substring from my 'real' string are inconsistent; I am getting 'My substring1'. The first thing that comes mind is that my 'real' string and my 'mock' are disparate. However, 'My substring1' is clearly separated by '. ' from 'My substring2' in both my 'real' string and my 'mock' string - that should be clear characteristic to border the two substrings, should it not? No idea why I am seeing this inconsistency. Btw, I am using Python 3.9.
    – Derk
    Commented Aug 15, 2022 at 21:20
  • 1
    @Derk I have added some example code. Commented Aug 15, 2022 at 21:24

With your shown samples please try following regex, code is written and tested in Python3. Here is the Online demo for used regex.

import re
s = "My substring1. My substring2: My substring3: My substring4"
['My substring2']

OR: use following regex with only 1 capturing group, little tweak to above regex, here is the Online demo for below regex.


Explanation: Using re module of Python3 here, where I am using re.findall function of it. Then creating variable named s which has value as: 'My substring1. My substring2: My substring3: My substring4' and used regex is: ^.*?\.\s([^:]+)(?:(?::\s[^:]*)+)$

Explanation of regex: Following is the detailed explanation for above regex.

^.*?\.\s      ##Matching from starting of value of variable using lazy match till literal dot followed by space.
([^:]+)       ##Creating one and only capturing group which has everything just before : here.
(?:           ##Starting a non-capturing group here.
  (?:         ##Starting 2nd non-capturing group here.
     :\s[^:]* ##Matching colon followed by space just before next occurrence of colon here.
  )+          ##Closing 2nd non-capturing group and matching its 1 or more occurrences in variable.
)$            ##Closing first non-capturing group here at end of value.
  • 2
    You can omit the outer non capture group ^.*?\.\s([^:]+)(?::\s[^:]*)+$ Commented Aug 16, 2022 at 8:26

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