No matter how I tried, the errorlevel always stays 0 even when msbuild failed. So I built my workaround:
Build Project and save log to Build.log
SET Build_Opt=/flp:summary;logfile=Build.log;append=true
msbuild "myproj.csproj" /t:rebuild /p:Configuration=release /fl %Build_Opt%
search for "0 Error" string in build log, set the result to var
FOR /F "tokens=* USEBACKQ" %%F IN (`find /c /i "0 Error" Build.log`) DO (
SET var=%%F
echo %var%
get the last character, which indicates how many lines contains the search string
set result=%var:~-1%
echo "%result%"
if string not found, then error > 0, build failed
if "%result%"=="0" ( echo "build failed" )
That solution was inspired by Mechaflash's post at How to set commands output as a variable in a batch file