I'm working on a web application using React and react-bootstrap, (in TypeScript). I want to make a dropdown menu in the Navbar to change the language of the page. I've got a list of langauges and applying map on the list to make <Dropdown.Item> like this:

const languageList = [
        Id: "en",
        Language: "English"
const [t, i18n] = useTranslation();
const [lang, setLang] = useState<string>();
useEffect(() => {
}, [lang, i18n]);

const handleClick = (lg: string) => {
return (
    <Dropdown.Toggle variant="outline-secondary" id="dropdown-basic">
       {languageList.map((item) => {
          <Dropdown.Item value={item.Id} onClick={handleClick(item.Id)>

Without the onClick={handleClick(item.Id) in the <Dropdown.Item> tag, this code gives me a dropdown menu like this: enter image description here

However, when I add onClick, it gives me these errors:
Type 'void' is not assignable to type 'MouseEventHandler | undefined'.ts(2322)
Uncaught Error: Too many re-renders. React limits the number of renders to prevent an infinite loop.

If anyone knows how to fix this, please help me.

1 Answer 1


This part is wrong

 <Dropdown.Item value={item.Id} onClick={handleClick(item.Id)>

Should be

 <Dropdown.Item value={item.Id} onClick={() => handleClick(item.Id)}>

At the moment you are trying to assign the result of the function as the onClick-handler. Either pass the variable without execution or create a anonymous function that runs your desired function. If you need to pass a parameter you have to use the latter.


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