I have grouped some shapes, and if the user selects a shape within a group I want to "Select the Group" (to avoid them moving part of the group and creating a mess). How do I get the name of the "Group" if a shape within the group is selected? I have tried looking in "Activesheet", "Selection" and "Shapes" etc.

  • I think the issue is more how are you going to trap the fact they selected an item at all. To get the name of the group a simple selection.shaperange.parentgroup.name with an error handler should suffice.
    – Rory
    Sep 7, 2022 at 14:21

1 Answer 1

Sub GetShapeGroupName()

Dim s1 As Shape, s2 As Shape
Dim SelectedGroup As String

For Each s1 In ActiveSheet.Shapes
    With s1
        If .Type = msoGroup Then
            For Each s2 In .GroupItems
                If s2.Name = Selection.Name Then SelectedGroup = .Name
            Next s2
        End If
    End With
Next s1

Debug.Print SelectedGroup

End Sub

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