Is there any way to perform SQL Like Queries or Filtering on Java Data Structures?

I want to filter objects in an ArrayList and a HashMap by fields of the objects contained within.

6 Answers 6


You might like Quaere, which is a fairly rich query language for java object graphs:

Integer[] numbers={5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 7, 2, 0};
Iterable<Integer> lowNumbers=

There's not a standard SQL-like language, but the apache commons collections has a filter method that will do what you want. Not too hard to roll your own,

public <T> Collection<T> filter (Collection<T> c, Condition<T> condition) {
  ArrayList<T> list = new ArrayList<T>():
  for (T t: c){ 
        if (condition.isSatisfied(t)) { list.add(t); } 
  return list;

public interface Condition<T> {
   public boolean isSatisfied(T t);

Yes and no.

No, not with a SQL like syntax.

Yes, with a filter functor. In particular, look at the Apache Commons Collections, CollectionsUtils.filter() function, which applies a Predicate object to a Collection.

You write the Predicate, the Apache classes take care of the rest.


The canonical way is to just iterate over the data structure and insert the objects you want into a new one. Unfortunately, Java has no list comprehensions or first-class functions. But we can simulate them using a library like Functional Java:

import fj.F;
import fj.data.List;
import static fj.data.List.list;
import static fj.pre.Show.listShow;
import static fj.pre.Show.stringShow;

List<String> myList = list("one", "two", "three").filter(
  new F<String, Boolean>() {
    public Boolean f(String s) {
      return s.contains("e");


That will print ["one", "three"] to standard output.


There are a number of solution for doing that that leverage XPath or XQuery. For starters take a look at Jaxen.


One rather extreme solution might be to use an ORM of some sort to map your Java objects into an actual SQL database, then use actual SQL or a SQL-like language like Hibernate's HQL to query your objects precisely how you'd like.

Of course, I'd only seriously consider that if I were actually planning to persist the objects in the database anyway, since otherwise it's overkill.

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