
OK i have struct array in one already deployed smart contract on mainnet.Now i need to read that array in my contract.I have address of deployed smart contract.I am trying to use it with interface. Something like this:

   pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

interface IContract1{
    struct UserInfo{
   uint id ;
   string ime;
    function arr(uint index) external returns(UserInfo memory );
contract Contract2{

struct UserInfo{
   uint id ;
   string ime;
event UserEVENT (UserInfo UserInfo);
UserInfo [] public newarr;

function foo(address addr,uint i) external {
    emit UserEVENT (IContract1(addr).arr(i));

This is my caller contract. Of course this is oversimplified example. When i try to put IContract1(addr).arr(i); in emit or try to return UserInfo in foo function compiler throwing me an error TypeError: Invalid type for argument in function call. Invalid implicit conversion from struct IContract1.UserInfo memory to struct Contract2.UserInfo memory requested.

and sc with arr

    pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

contract Contract1{
struct UserInfo{
   uint id ;
   string ime;
UserInfo [5] public arr;

constructor()  {
    arr[0] = UserInfo(1,"Milos");
   arr[1] = UserInfo(2,"Stefan");
   arr[2] = UserInfo(3,"Sloba");
   arr[3] = UserInfo(4,"Prci");
    arr[4] = UserInfo(5,"Dovla");

1 Answer 1


The easiest fix is defining the struct outside both the contract and interface, this way you write it only once and there's no collision.

This compiles for me:

pragma solidity ^0.8.7;

struct UserInfo{
   uint id ;
   string ime;

interface IContract1{    
    function arr(uint index) external returns(UserInfo memory );

contract Contract2{
    event UserEVENT (UserInfo UserInfo);
    UserInfo [] public newarr;

    function foo(address addr,uint i) external {
        emit UserEVENT (IContract1(addr).arr(i));

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