I made a Class for matrix operations, [MatrixObject]. I am mainly concerned with the inverse; I need to calculate many large matrix inverse's for this application.( size:~[R100xC100])
Right now the performance for computing the inverse is:
- size:50x50 ---- time:~200ms
- size:100x100 - time:~2.3s
- size:200x200 - time:~29s
That sounds slow but its not, try beating that without purchasing libraries, its hard...
I can probably squeeze out a tiny bit more speed by cleaning the loops... But I'm wondering if turning this into a Structure would have major performance gains and makes sense ('would a smarter better looking programmer do this?').
The speed of this inverse calculation is essential to the application but it contains a large dynamic array. The internet says large arrays are a no go for Structs... But are there circumstances where you would use a Struct anyway? Also, what happens if the Struct w/ methods is wrapped in Class?
My knowledge of stack and heap is to the extent of stuff said in youtube videos. I don't have a deep enough understanding to answer this question.
Here as example of the Code:
As a Class (current version)
' Every thing inside a Class ----------------
Public Class MatrixObject1
Private Structure Matrix4F_Array
Dim A() As Matrix4x4
End Structure
Private m_ROW_Arrays() As Matrix4F_Array '<-- array of [Matrix4x4] arrays
' m_ROW_Arrays(0) .A(0) .A(1) .A(3) ...
' M11 M12 M13
' m_ROW_Arrays(1) .A(0) .A(1) .A(3) ...
' M21 M22 M23
' m_ROW_Arrays(2) .A(0) .A(1) .A(3) ...
' : M31 M32 M33
' :
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Function Multiply(ByRef Mat1 As MatrixObject1, ByRef Mat2 As MatrixObject1) As MatrixObject1
' ....
End Function
Public Shared Function Inverse(ByRef i_Mat As MatrixObject1, ByRef success As Boolean) As MatrixObject1
' ....
End Function
' * also includes propertys for size and shared operators: *,+,-
' and misc. functions.
End Class
As a Structure w/methods, and wrapper Class (for non essiential/slow methods); what i'm considering doing
' Structure with only essential, tight functions
Public Structure MatrixStruct
Private Structure Matrix4F_Array
Dim A() As Matrix4x4
End Structure
Private m_ROW_Arrays() As Matrix4F_Array '<-- array of [Matrix4x4] arrays
Public Shared Function Multiply(ByRef Mat1 As MatrixStruct, ByRef Mat2 As MatrixStruct) As MatrixStruct
' ....
End Function
Public Shared Function Inverse(ByRef i_Mat As MatrixStruct, ByRef success As Boolean) As MatrixStruct
' ....
End Function
End Structure
' Matrix Class that inlcudes [MatrixStruct] member
' -Class Methods have error checks and other misc. stuff
Public Class MatrixObject2
Private m_Struct As MatrixStruct
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Function Multiply(ByRef Mat1 As MatrixObject2, ByRef Mat2 As MatrixObject2) As MatrixObject2
' ....
Dim ret As New MatrixObject2
ret.m_Struct = MatrixStruct.Multiply(Mat1.m_Struct, Mat2.m_Struct)
Return ret
End Function
' :
' :
' :
' * also includes propertys for size and shared operators: *,+,-
' and misc. functions.
End Class