I have the following nested array of objects:
const data = [
product: {
id: "U2NlbmFyaW9Qcm9swkdWN0OjEsz",
currentValue: 34300,
task: {
id: "R2VuZXJpY1Byb2R1Y3Q6MTA",
name: "My Annuity",
instrumentDetails: [
instrument: {
id: "U2NlbmFyaW9JbnN0cnVtZW50OjEz",
supplier: {
id: "U3VwcGxpZXJJbnN0cnVtZW50OjUzNjQ",
supplierDetails: {
name: "Local - Class A",
currentValue: 44323,
assets: {
current: 1.2999270432626702,
fixed: 0.5144729302004819,
financial: 0.0723506386331588,
cash: 0.00006003594786398524,
alternative: 0.05214078143244779,
property: 0.548494862567579,
local: 0.10089348539739094,
global: 0,
product: {
id: "U2NlbmFyaW9Qcm9swkfefewdWN0OjEsz",
currentValue: 3435300,
task: {
id: "R2VuZXJpYfewfew1Byb2R1Y3Q6MTA",
name: "Living",
instrumentDetails: [
instrument: {
id: "U2NlbmFyadewwW9JbnN0cnVtZW50OjEz",
supplier: {
id: "U3VwcGxpZdwdwXJJbnN0cnVtZW50OjUzNjQ",
supplierDetails: {
name: "Local - Class B",
currentValue: 434323,
assets: {
current: 1.294353242,
fixed: 0.514434242004819,
financial: 0.07434286331588,
cash: 0.0000434398524,
alternative: 0.05242348143244779,
property: 0.543242567579,
local: 0.100432439739094,
global: 0,
The above data presents an array of products which consist of instruments that are described in instrumentDetails array. I am trying to find an instrument by supplier id and update its assets by multiplying all of the asset values by a given number.
Here is my function:
export const updateObject = (
productsArr: any,
supplierInstrumentId: string
) => {
return productsArr.map(
(product: any) => {
(instrumentDetail: any) => {
if (
instrumentDetail.instrument.supplier.id ===
) {
instrumentDetail.assets.current = instrumentDetail.assets.current + 5;
instrumentDetail.assets.fixed= instrumentDetail.assets.fixed+ 5;
instrumentDetail.assets.financial= instrumentDetail.assets.financial+ 5;
instrumentDetail.assets.cash= instrumentDetail.assets.cash+ 5;
This function is giving an error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'current' of object '#'
How can I deeply update the above data? Please help.
defined anywhere? and all map function must return something.instrument.assets.current
is defined aswritable: false
. Because there's noObject.defineProperty()
call in your question, this is not a minimal reproducible example.