replying more to overriding operator how to compare to null that redirects here as a duplicate.
In the cases where this is being done to support Value Objects, I find the new notation to handy, and like to ensure there is only one place where the comparison is made. Also leveraging Object.Equals(A, B) simplifies the null checks.
This will overload ==, !=, Equals, and GetHashCode
public static bool operator !=(ValueObject self, ValueObject other) => !Equals(self, other);
public static bool operator ==(ValueObject self, ValueObject other) => Equals(self, other);
public override bool Equals(object other) => Equals(other as ValueObject );
public bool Equals(ValueObject other) {
return !(other is null) &&
// Value comparisons
_value == other._value;
public override int GetHashCode() => _value.GetHashCode();
For more complicated objects add additional comparisons in Equals and a richer GetHashCode.