I am working on a .NET core MVC web app.
I have a domain object method that perform some business logic and return a result object containing variables passed to view models. The result object has some variables that are from an event handler if a target event happened.
I am wondering how to access variables from the event handler with DI container like Simple Injector in sophisticated way.
This is a simplified version of snippet of what I am doing.
Class DomainA (has domain logic)
private DomainB _domainBObj;
* constructor
public DomainA(){
_domainBObj = new DomainB();
* called in Application Service
public MyEventResult doSth(string arg){
* It did the job
* but I am thinking about if there is any approach
* that DomainA can get access to the event result if the event happened
* without getting the event handler here using DI container in C#
var eventHandler = DIContainer.INSTANCE.getInstance<MyEventHandler>();
return doSthBasedOnEventResult(eventHandler.Result);
public MyEventResult doSthBasedOnEventResult(EventResult eventResult){
var ret = new MyEventResult();
// setting variables of MyEventResult
return ret;
Class DomainB (Wrapper of 3rd party library object)
* constructor
public DomainB(){
// configuration of the 3rd party library object
var event = new MyEvent(); // wrapper of some variables
var eventBus = DIContainer.INSTANCE.getInstance<MyEventBus>();
* called in DomainA doSth()
public void doSth(string arg){
Event Bus (Singleton scoped)
public interface IEventBus
void Dispatch<TEvent>(TEvent @event) where TEvent : IEvent;
public class MyEventBus : IEventBus
public void Dispatch<TEvent>(TEvent @event) where TEvent : IEvent {
if (@event == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("event");
var handlerType = typeof(IEventHandler<>).MakeGenericType(@event.GetType());
dynamic handlers = DIContainer.INSTANCE.GetAllInstances<IEventHandler<TEvent>>();
foreach (var handler in handlers) {
Ref: Implementing Domain Event Handler pattern in C# with Simple Injector
Event Handler (Request scoped)
public interface IEventHandler<TEvent>
void Handle(TEvent @event);
public class MyEventHandler : IEventHandler<MyEvent>
public EventResult Result { get; private set; }
public void Handle(MyEvent @event) {
var result = new EventResult();
// setting variables of EventResult
Result = result;