I'm trying to define annotation with a type parameter

annotation class BotCommandScopeChat<T>(
    val type: String = "chat",
    val chatId: T,

here chatId can be in form of Integer like 1234567890 or String like @supergroup
but intellj says Invalid type of annotation member.

so what I'm doing wrong?

1 Answer 1


Kotlin annotations can only use the following as construction parameters:

  • Types that correspond to Java primitive types (Int, Long etc.)
  • Strings
  • Classes (Foo::class)
  • Enums
  • Other annotations
  • Arrays of the types listed above

Generic types are not allowed.

In your situation you'll either have to make two constructors, one for each type:

annotation class BotCommandScopeChatIntId(
    val type: String = "chat",
    val chatId: Int,

annotation class BotCommandScopeChatStringId(
    val type: String = "chat",
    val chatId: String,

Or have two constructor parameters, one for each type:

annotation class BotCommandScopeChat(
    val type: String = "chat",
    val chatIdString: String? = null,
    val chatId: Int? = null,

These will have to have default parameters, else users will always have to provide one, even if they don't need to.

Or (and this would be my preference), just use a String, and convert it to an Int if necessary.

annotation class BotCommandScopeChat(
    val type: String = "chat",
    val chatId: String,
  • 1
    so generic annotations don't exist for kotlin? Commented Sep 18, 2022 at 14:48
  • If you need to specify a class as an argument of an annotation, use a Kotlin class (KClass). Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 7:37

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