ITMS-90116: Invalid Info.plist: To include the MKDirectionsApplicationSupportedModes key in the Info.plist, you must define the app binary as a routing app.
This is the email from App Store but I reupload the project removing that property from plist and I still get this error. My app does use MapKit but it doesn't provide routing in the Apple's mapview. I just redirect the user to Apple Maps with coordinates with this code:
func openMapsAppWithDirections(to coordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, destinationName name: String) {
let options = [MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeKey: MKLaunchOptionsDirectionsModeDriving]
let placemark = MKPlacemark(coordinate: coordinate, addressDictionary: nil)
let mapItem = MKMapItem(placemark: placemark) = name
mapItem.openInMaps(launchOptions: options)
What do you think I should focus on to solve this error?