Here is a fragment of code that works for me...

    VStack(spacing: pad/2) { 
            .onTapGesture { editColor(i:0) }
            .frame(width: pad, height: pad)
            .border(.black.opacity(0.5), width: 1)
            .onTapGesture { editColor(i:1) }
            .frame(width: pad, height: pad)
            .border(.black.opacity(0.5), width: 1)
            .onTapGesture { editColor(i:2) }
            .frame(width: pad, height: pad)
            .border(.black.opacity(0.5), width: 1)

The original had more entries. It worked but you can see how it repeats. I may want to make a 6x4 set of patches that looks like a Macbeth target, so I wondered whether there was a better way that did not repeat so much. I tried moving the calls into the getRgbColor() call..

    func getRgbColor(i:Int) -> SwiftUI.Color {
        return SwiftUI.Color(red:   R + rgbDel[i][0] * step,
                             green: G + rgbDel[i][1] * step,
                             blue:  B + rgbDel[i][2] * step)
            .onTapGesture { editColor(i:0) }
            .frame(width: pad, height: pad)
            .border(.black.opacity(0.5), width: 1) as! Color 

This compiled but gave a SIGABRT when I ran it...

Could not cast value of type 'SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.Color, SwiftUI.AddGestureModifier<SwiftUI._EndedGesture<SwiftUI.TapGesture>>>, SwiftUI._FrameLayout>, SwiftUI._OverlayModifier<SwiftUI._ShapeView<SwiftUI._StrokedShape<SwiftUI.Rectangle._Inset>, SwiftUI.Color>>>' (0x109735e90) to 'SwiftUI.Color' (0x1ec3b9eb8). 2022-10-01 12:38:49.468445+0100 ByEye[2810:493288] Could not cast value of type 'SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.ModifiedContent<SwiftUI.Color, SwiftUI.AddGestureModifier<SwiftUI._EndedGesture<SwiftUI.TapGesture>>>, SwiftUI._FrameLayout>, SwiftUI._OverlayModifier<SwiftUI._ShapeView<SwiftUI._StrokedShape<SwiftUI.Rectangle._Inset>, SwiftUI.Color>>>' (0x109735e90) to 'SwiftUI.Color' (0x1ec3b9eb8).

Is there a neat solution?

Yes there is. I hadn't imagined that calling the modifier changed the underlying type, because most of what I write is in cpp, where this is unthinkable. Following the first comment, I wrote and re-named the getRgbColor() function...

    func rgbButton(i:Int) -> some View {
        return SwiftUI.Color(red:   R + rgbDel[i][0] * step,
                             green: G + rgbDel[i][1] * step,
                             blue:  B + rgbDel[i][2] * step)
                .onTapGesture { editColor(i:i) }
                .frame(width: pad, height: pad)

1 Answer 1


Modifiers in SwiftUI don't actually modify the view. Instead, they create a new view (e.g. ModifiedContent) with the property changed/applied.

Whenever we apply a modifier to a SwiftUI view, we actually create a new view with that change applied – we don’t just modify the existing view in place.

- Hacking With Swift

So when you add all the modifiers to the Color, you are making it a different type of view. That's why as! Color fails.

To fix that, you could make a View for the rgb color.

struct RgbColor: View {
    let i: Int
    // Add any other info the view needs as constants

    var body: some View {
       // ...

To use it:

RgbColor(i: 1, /* other parameters */)

I hope this helps!

  • Appended my solution to my original question following this comment. Many thanks. Commented Oct 1, 2022 at 14:46

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