My host is offering me a limited amount of RAM for my websites and I would like to monitor the memory consumption by running a script in the cron.

I have made up this command:

ps -u xxxxxx -o rss,command | grep -v peruser | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/1024}'

But the way my host is calculating memory has a particularity. It ignores processes that runs for less than 5 minutes.

Do you know of a command or Python script that can show me the total used memory ignoring short lived processes?


1 Answer 1


Use etime to find the elapsed time of a process. You can then modify your awk command to check if this time is greater than 5 mins.

ps -u xxxxxx -o rss,etime,command | ...

The format of elapsed time is [[dd-]hh:]mm:ss. This means the time could be 00:30, 12:57:39 or even 4-08:27:12. You can use awk to parse this time format and convert it into seconds. Once in seconds, check if it is more than 5 minutes, and if so add it to the running total of rss.

Here is a sample script which does this:

ps -u xxxxxx -o rss,etime,command | grep -v peruser | grep -v RSS | sed 's/^ *//g' | awk '{
 split($2,arr,":") #split time on :
 for(i in arr) len++ 
 secs=arr[len]+60*arr[len-1] #convert to seconds
 if(len>2) secs=secs+substr(arr[len-2],length(arr[len-2])-1)*60*60

 if(secs>5*60) { #check if more than 5 minutes
     print $0 #print out the process
} END{print "SUM:"sum/1024}'
  • I really suck at unix commands :( Can you please tell me how to modify my awk command and filter out processes with a an etime of 5 minutes or less? Thank you!
    – Vallieres
    Sep 15, 2011 at 13:27
  • Damnit, I did not get the notification of your answer. I'll test you script right away and post my results tomorrow. Thanks dogbane!
    – Vallieres
    Sep 23, 2011 at 19:39

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