Can anyone point my in the right direction? This is proprietary code so I can't upload the makefiles.

But here's the output of nm on libA:

libA.a:someOfile.o:                 U _Z12funcABCPcPA80_cii
libA.a:overhead.o:                 U _Z12funcABCPcPA80_cii

And here is nm of libB, where the function of interest rendering undefined references from two other functions:

libB.a:funcABC.o:0000000000000000 T _Z12funcABCPcPA64_ci

There was a similar project done that matches _Z12FUNCABCPcPA64_ci. Im working porting the code base to support a new platform.

This nm output of the similar project:

libB.a:funcABC.o:0000000000000000 T _Z12funcABCPcPA64_c

libA.a:overhead.o:                 U _Z12funcABCPcPA64_c

Clarification: I only replaced the function name for the sake of posting on SO :)

Original function signature, on both projects:

#define LENGTH 64

bool funcABC( char* arg1, char arg2 [][LENGTH], int arg3)


The library in question wasn't ported correctly. That is libB was an older version, that I didn't port. Thus it kept giving linking errors because of the comments below. libB should had the following declaration, and I should have been careful on reading the function definition.

bool funcABC(char*arg1, char arg2 [] [LENGTH_INHEADER], int arg3, int arg4)

In funcABC.cpp, the width of arg2 was based on LENGTH 64. In funcABC.h, the width was intended to be LENGTH_INHEADER 80.

  • 2
    It's not the same. One has a 64 and one has 80
    – user20574
    Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 17:08

1 Answer 1


I presume you replaced a proprietary name with funcABC. This breaks the mangling ABI. If the original name was 12 characters long, you should have replaced 12 with the new length.

  • _Z7funcABCPcPA80_cii demangles to funcABC(char*, char (*) [80], int, int)
  • _Z7funcABCPcPA64_ci demangles to funcABC(char*, char (*) [64], int)
  • _Z7funcABCPcPA64_c demangles to funcABC(char*, char (*) [64])

These are completely different functions.

  • Btw, how were you able to demange the symbols? I'd like to add this to my debugging knowledge base.
    – kroger9
    Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 17:35
  • 2
    @kroger9 There are tools like c++filt, llvm-cxxfilt, and demumble. Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 18:05

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