I'm trying to remove the capability of users other than the administrator/superadmin (ID number 1) to add a page, I know that there are plugins which you can edit the wordpress role but in my case I need it to be per user/username/userid (no plugin that I no of is available)..

Currently user number 2 needs to be 'Administrator' because a specific plugin I use only displays reports to 'Administrator' role but I need to remove add page capabilities. I have the following code:

function modify_capabilities()
global $userdata;
  $userdata->ID != 1 ->remove_cap('publish_pages');



But it doesn't work.. The error is in this line:

$userdata->ID != 1 ->remove_cap('publish_pages');

  • 1
    And what does $userdata->ID != 1 ->remove_cap('publish_pages'); line supposed to do? Which object's remove_cap() method you're invoking?
    – zerkms
    Sep 14, 2011 at 1:02

1 Answer 1


Your code seems off by a bit:

function modify_capabilities()
global $userdata;
    if ($userdata->ID != 1) {
         $role = get_role('author');


Updated based on your comments and taking the original details from the blog you linked to. Not sure why you removed those parts though...

  • this is the original code (I just modified it): $editor_role = get_role('editor'); $editor_role->remove_cap('publish_pages'); from here: erisds.co.uk/wordpress/…
    – Laurize
    Sep 14, 2011 at 3:47
  • I also get this error when i tried your code: Fatal error: Call to a member function remove_cap() on a non-object on this line: $somevariable->remove_cap('publish_pages');
    – Laurize
    Sep 14, 2011 at 3:52
  • Like I said, you need to change $somevariable to be the correct variable. From your other comment it looks like it needs to be $editor_role but you'll need to make sure that you have initialised the $editor_role variable. Sep 14, 2011 at 7:46
  • hmm.. the reason why I didn't use $editor_role because it's not the editor role that I want to remove the capability.. I wanted to remove the capability to users that don't have 1 as their user ID.. I hope I explained it well...
    – Laurize
    Sep 14, 2011 at 8:34
  • That's why I changed it to author (see my edit). This obviously will only work for people creating pages/posts. That post you linked to also spoke about removing Menu items per user, which perhaps would be a better way? Sep 14, 2011 at 9:37

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