I've seen a few questions mentioning a similar error but none that require this solution.

I started writing a Nest app and initially wrote all of my logic in AppController and AppService and now want to move those to a separate module, CostsModule (and associated CostsController and CostsService).

I ran nest g module costs, nest g service costs, then nest g controller costs, and things work fine until I try to inject CostsService into CostsController's constructor. I get the following error:

Nest can't resolve dependencies of the CostsController (?). Please make sure that the argument Function at index [0] is available in the CostsModule context.

Potential solutions:
- If Function is a provider, is it part of the current CostsModule?
- If Function is exported from a separate @Module, is that module imported within CostsModule?
    imports: [ /* the Module containing Function */ ]

This sounds odd to me, since what I'm trying to inject is a provider, and it is part of CostsModule. It also says the argument is a Function, which makes me think it might not be referring to that specific injection, though the error goes away if I comment that line out. Code snippets:

// src/app.module.ts

  imports: [ConfigModule.forRoot(), CostsModule],
export class AppModule {}
// src/costs/costs.module.ts

  controllers: [CostsController],
  providers: [CostsService],
export class CostsModule {}
// src/costs/costs.controller.ts

// ... other imports omitted for brevity, but this one is problematic.
import type { CostsService } from './costs.service';

export class CostsController {
  // If I comment out the line below, the error goes away.
  constructor(private readonly costsService: CostsService) {}

      new ParseArrayPipe({ items: String, separator: ',' })
    ids: string[]
  ): string {
    return this.costsService.updateCosts(ids);
// src/costs.service.ts

export class CostsService {
  updateCosts(ids: string[]): string {
    return ids.join(',');

1 Answer 1


This import was added automatically by VS Code, but the provider (CostsService) needs to be imported into the file (not just as a type):

import type { CostsService } from './costs.service';

Changing the import to the following fixes the issue:

import { CostsService } from './costs.service';

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