I'm taking a class through zybooks, and the whitespace is a bit glitchy through here. I'm not sure what is causing this extra space, so any help would be appreciated.
The instructions for this:
Primary U.S. interstate highways are numbered 1-99. Odd numbers (like the 5 or 95) go north/south, and evens (like the 10 or 90) go east/west. Auxiliary highways are numbered 100-999, and service the primary highway indicated by the rightmost two digits. Thus, I-405 services I-5, and I-290 services I-90. Note: 200 is not a valid auxiliary highway because 00 is not a valid primary highway number.
Given a highway number, indicate whether it is a primary or auxiliary highway. If auxiliary, indicate what primary highway it serves. Also indicate if the (primary) highway runs north/south or east/west.
highway_number = int(input())
if highway_number == 0:
print(highway_number, 'is not a valid interstate highway number.')
if highway_number in range(1,99+1):
if highway_number % 2 == 0:
print('I-',highway_number,"is primary, going east/west.")
print('I-',highway_number,"is primary, going north/south.")
served = highway_number % 100
if highway_number >= 1000:
print(highway_number,'is not a valid interstate highway number.')
if highway_number in range(99,999+1):
if highway_number == 200:
print(highway_number,'is not a valid interstate highway number.')
elif highway_number % 2 == 0:
print('I-',highway_number,'is auxiliary, serving I-','%.f,'%served,'going east/west.')
print('I-',highway_number,'is auxiliary, serving I-','%.f,'%served, 'going north/south.')
Everything is working correctly, I just keep getting an extra space after the '-' in 'I-'.