I have two dataframes

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
         Date   Fruit   Num   Color
0  2013-11-24  Banana  22.1  Yellow
1  2013-11-24  Orange   8.6  Orange
2  2013-11-25   Apple   7.6   Green
3  2013-11-25  Celery  10.2   Green

df2 = pd.DataFrame({
         Date   Fruit   Num   Color
0  2013-11-25  Banana  22.1  Yellow
1  2013-11-25  Orange   8.6  Orange
2  2013-11-25   Apple   7.6   Green
3  2013-11-25  Celery  10.2   Green
4  2013-11-25       X  22.1     Red
5  2013-11-25       Y   8.6  Orange

I am trying to find out the difference between these two dataframes based on the column Fruit

This is what i am doing now but i am not getting the expected output

mapped_df = pd.concat([df1,df2],ignore_index=True).drop_duplicates(keep=False)

Expected output

         Date Fruit   Num   Color
8  2013-11-25     X  22.1     Red
9  2013-11-25     Y   8.6  Orange

1 Answer 1


You can use the negated isin:

output = df2.loc[~df2['Fruit'].isin(df1['Fruit'])]

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