Parent process write string "Message\n" to child process stdin. But child process don't receive it. Where is the problem in the code?

Qt 4.7.3

Parent process code:

// class TestParent : public QMainWindow
void TestParent::createChildProcess()
    childProcess = new QProcess( this );
    connect( childProcess, SIGNAL( started() ),
        this, SLOT( childProcessStarted() ) );
    connect( childProcess, SIGNAL( bytesWritten( qint64 ) ),
        this, SLOT( bytesWritten( qint64 ) ) );
    childProcess->start( "TestChild.exe", QProcess::ReadWrite );

void TestParent::writeToChildProcessOutput()
    qint64 bytesWritten = childProcess->write( "Message\n" );
    qDebug() << "ret: " << bytesWritten << " bytes written";

void TestParent::bytesWritten()
    qDebug() << "slot: " << bytesWritten << " bytes written";

Child process code:

// class TestChild : public QMainWindow
void TestChild::TestChild()
    // QFile TestChild::input;
    connect( &input, SIGNAL( readyRead() ),
        this, SLOT( readInput() ) );
    input.open( 0, QIODevice::ReadOnly ); // stdin

void TestChild::readInput()
    QString line;
    line.append( '(' );
    line.append( QString::number( input.bytesAvailable() ) )
    line.append( ')' );
    line.append( input.readAll() );

    list.append( line ); // add line to QListView
  • Is TestChild a QProcess? and input is a QIODevice, not a subclass?
    – Chris
    Commented Sep 17, 2011 at 22:14
  • @Chris: No, TestChild - main window object of child process. In parent process we create child one using childProcess object. My mistake: input is QFile, thanks.
    – artyom.stv
    Commented Sep 17, 2011 at 22:23

3 Answers 3


There is no way to portably hookup in the Qt event loop for stdin/stdout events. The following works on non-Windows platforms:

QSocketNotifier *n1 = new QSocketNotifier(0, QSocketNotifier::Read, this);
connect(n1, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(readInputChannel()));

QSocketNotifier *n2 = new QSocketNotifier(0, QSocketNotifier::Exception, this);
connect(n2, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(brokenInputChannel()));

"0" is the file descriptor (stdin).

I would use the above and then simulate something similar on Windows through a blocking thread that reads from stdin and generates a signal:

class StdinThread : public QThread
    void incomingData(QByteArray data);

    void run(void)
         char buf[1024];
         while (1)
             int sz = fread(buf, 1, 1024, stdin);
             if (sz == 0)
             emit incomingData(QByteArray(buf, sz));

then, in the child process:

StdinThread *t = new StdinThread(this);
connect(t, SIGNAL(incomingData(QByteArray)), this, SLOT(processInputData(QByteArray)));
connect(t, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(brokenInputChannel()));
  • +1. That is helpful, thanks. Don't you know whether QProcess::write (stdin piping) works on Windows? In another words: can I write to child process's stdin?
    – artyom.stv
    Commented Sep 28, 2011 at 20:31
  • Yes you can. Windows supports piping. Just pay attention to buffering. Commented Sep 29, 2011 at 0:09

The documentation says that QFile doesn't ever emit the signal readyRead().

But there is a private class: QWinEventNotifier in src/corelib/kernel/qwineventnotifier_p.h(link) that might work with GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE).

Another alternative is to wait for input with a blocking loop inside a dedicated thread:

QTextStream cin(stdin, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
   QString line = cin.readLine();
   emit newLine(line);

You could also look at other RPC methods (e.g. QLocalSocket, QSharedMemory).

  • Thanks, will try QWinEventNotifier. But the problem still exists: I have started a timer which each X ms writes to log-file input.bytesAvailable(), and it always writes 0. Is bytesAvailable() usage here incorrect too?
    – artyom.stv
    Commented Sep 18, 2011 at 17:58
  • QSharedMemory didn't try. But about QLocalSocket, QLocalServer (named pipe in Windows): I still have to exchange pipe names (1 for each QLocalServer). Is there any other simple method to send pipe name, other than stdin/stdout?
    – artyom.stv
    Commented Sep 18, 2011 at 18:00
  • 1
    1. You can't peek in stdin buffer with C/C++ standard libraries, so it wouldn't be a surprise if Qt doesn't allow it either. 2. You can send the pipe name as a sub-process arguments.
    – alexisdm
    Commented Sep 18, 2011 at 18:20
  • And what should I use for child->parent communication? Still use stdout?
    – artyom.stv
    Commented Sep 18, 2011 at 18:25
  • "You can then write to the process's standard input by calling write(), and read the standard output by calling read(), readLine(), and getChar()." (doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qprocess.html)
    – artyom.stv
    Commented Sep 19, 2011 at 21:36

What I believe you need to be doing is reading from the actual QProcess object (in this case childProcess, if I understand correctly).

Note that QProcess is actually a subclass of QIODevice, and also take special note of the following functions:


You should be able to the readyRead() signal of your QProcess object instead of creating a QFile in an attempt to read stdin. The reason this doesn't work is that your QFile is associated with the same process as your MainWindow, and not your child process.

  • No. childProcess is a control object in parent process. Using childProcess object parent process print string to child process's stdin (TestParent::writeToChildProcessOutput()). And child process should read that string from stdin. So in child process readyRead() signal of QFile input object should be emitted (but there is no readyRead() signal emitted, TestChild::readInput() slot is not called).
    – artyom.stv
    Commented Sep 17, 2011 at 23:17

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