Parent process write string "Message\n"
to child process stdin. But child process don't receive it. Where is the problem in the code?
Qt 4.7.3
Parent process code:
// class TestParent : public QMainWindow
void TestParent::createChildProcess()
childProcess = new QProcess( this );
connect( childProcess, SIGNAL( started() ),
this, SLOT( childProcessStarted() ) );
connect( childProcess, SIGNAL( bytesWritten( qint64 ) ),
this, SLOT( bytesWritten( qint64 ) ) );
childProcess->start( "TestChild.exe", QProcess::ReadWrite );
void TestParent::writeToChildProcessOutput()
qint64 bytesWritten = childProcess->write( "Message\n" );
qDebug() << "ret: " << bytesWritten << " bytes written";
void TestParent::bytesWritten()
qDebug() << "slot: " << bytesWritten << " bytes written";
Child process code:
// class TestChild : public QMainWindow
void TestChild::TestChild()
// QFile TestChild::input;
connect( &input, SIGNAL( readyRead() ),
this, SLOT( readInput() ) ); 0, QIODevice::ReadOnly ); // stdin
void TestChild::readInput()
QString line;
line.append( '(' );
line.append( QString::number( input.bytesAvailable() ) )
line.append( ')' );
line.append( input.readAll() );
list.append( line ); // add line to QListView
object. My mistake:input
is QFile, thanks.