I'm using the eclipse IDE with MinGW as my compiler, to make a Win32 GUI app.

I want to get rid of the console, but compiling the program with -mwindows option has no effect and the console is still there.

Using the -Wl,--subsystem,windows flag also produces no effect. What am I doing wrong ?

  • What GUI toolkit you're using? Commented Sep 19, 2011 at 16:56

2 Answers 2


For gcc on Windows, two things should be considered to build a non-console Windows app:

  1. Compiler option -mwindows
  2. Have WinMain()

It is possible, however, to manually specify -Wl,-subsystem,windows to the linker and include gdi32 and comdlg32 into the build. This is exactly what -mwindows automates.



try --machine-windows option. it helps me when I build asm code:

nasm -f win64 hello.asm
gcc hello.obj --machine-windows -o hello

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