I have a classic ASP site that I would like the sessions to stay alive as long as the user has a page open. So I used some Javascript to periodically call a 'keepalive' ASP page to keep the session alive so the timeout is not reached.

What do I need to put in the ASP page code to make sure it renews the session timer? Can it be a blank page or do I need to hit the Session object?

3 Answers 3


From MSDN:

A session automatically ends if a user has not requested or refreshed a page in an application for a specified period of time.

Based on that description, I don't think it matters what's in your "keepalive" script, as long as the request is made.

  • 1
    All sessions will be killed when the Application Pool recycles, so check the settings in IIS as the defaults are set to recycle after a certain number of requests or a period of time. You can configure it to recycle at specific times of day (say during your quietest period) so that fewer users are affected. Sep 20, 2011 at 8:54

I use a small inline frame at the bottom of a page to do this in admin sessions where the user is editing conent. All that's in the frame page is a meta refresh that fires every 5 minutes to keep the session alive. Works great.

  • This solution didn't work in case user may close their browser Jun 22, 2018 at 10:15
  • That's how sessions work. They are meant to be temporary, and won't persist if the browser is not active. Jun 22, 2018 at 17:22

It has been my experience that as long as you perform some kind of server process periodically, the session doesn't end.

What I do is have a javascript function that is periodically run via a setInterval() function call in the onLoad process of the tag.

In that function I execute a server-side SQL query.

I place this inside the section with all of javascript and styleshooe loads:

Then I place the following lines right after my tag:

--> RSEnableRemoteScripting("."); -->

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