    Blas (http://www.netlib.org/blas/) libraries not found.
    Directories to search for the libraries can be specified in the
    numpy/distutils/site.cfg file (section [blas]) or by setting
    the BLAS environment variable.

Which tar do I need to download off this site?

I've tried the fortrans, but I keep getting this error (after setting the environment variable obviously).

  • So the question is which is the right version for your system to download from some site, but neither system details nor the site are given in the question? It's not surprising that no answers were forthcoming. Commented Oct 25, 2011 at 11:22

7 Answers 7


If you need to use the latest versions of SciPy rather than the packaged version, without going through the hassle of building BLAS and LAPACK, you can follow the below procedure.

Install linear algebra libraries from repository (for Ubuntu),

sudo apt-get install gfortran libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev

Then install SciPy, (after downloading the SciPy source): python setup.py install or

pip install scipy

As the case may be.

  • 12
    This worked for me, tks! Although I had to change libopenblas-dev to libblas-dev (Ubuntu 10.04).
    – alfetopito
    Commented Jun 5, 2013 at 14:33
  • 1
    worked perfectly for me running Mint 13 ( precise fork ).You need to download the source separately, if you use easy_install -U #update
    – wbg
    Commented Jan 13, 2014 at 4:27
  • 2
    It worked flawlessly. I did not have to do anything different in my case (ubuntu 12.0.4) Commented Oct 31, 2014 at 20:16
  • 2
    sudo apt-get install python-dev fixed it. stackoverflow.com/a/21530768/125507
    – endolith
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 15:59
  • 3
    sudo yum install blas-devel lapack-devel worked for me
    – Roman
    Commented Feb 19, 2015 at 17:00

The SciPy webpage used to provide build and installation instructions, but the instructions there now rely on OS binary distributions. To build SciPy (and NumPy) on operating systems without precompiled packages of the required libraries, you must build and then statically link to the Fortran libraries BLAS and LAPACK:

mkdir -p ~/src/
cd ~/src/
wget http://www.netlib.org/blas/blas.tgz
tar xzf blas.tgz
cd BLAS-*

## NOTE: The selected Fortran compiler must be consistent for BLAS, LAPACK, NumPy, and SciPy.
## For GNU compiler on 32-bit systems:
#g77 -O2 -fno-second-underscore -c *.f                     # with g77
#gfortran -O2 -std=legacy -fno-second-underscore -c *.f    # with gfortran
## OR for GNU compiler on 64-bit systems:
#g77 -O3 -m64 -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -c *.f                     # with g77
gfortran -O3 -std=legacy -m64 -fno-second-underscore -fPIC -c *.f    # with gfortran
## OR for Intel compiler:
#ifort -FI -w90 -w95 -cm -O3 -unroll -c *.f

# Continue below irrespective of compiler:
ar r libfblas.a *.o
ranlib libfblas.a
rm -rf *.o
export BLAS=~/src/BLAS-*/libfblas.a

Execute only one of the five g77/gfortran/ifort commands. I have commented out all, but the gfortran which I use. The subsequent LAPACK installation requires a Fortran 90 compiler, and since both installs should use the same Fortran compiler, g77 should not be used for BLAS.

Next, you'll need to install the LAPACK stuff. The SciPy webpage's instructions helped me here as well, but I had to modify them to suit my environment:

mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src/
wget http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lapack.tgz
tar xzf lapack.tgz
cd lapack-*/
cp INSTALL/make.inc.gfortran make.inc          # On Linux with lapack-3.2.1 or newer
make lapacklib
make clean
export LAPACK=~/src/lapack-*/liblapack.a

Update on 3-Sep-2015: Verified some comments today (thanks to all): Before running make lapacklib edit the make.inc file and add -fPIC option to OPTS and NOOPT settings. If you are on a 64bit architecture or want to compile for one, also add -m64. It is important that BLAS and LAPACK are compiled with these options set to the same values. If you forget the -fPIC SciPy will actually give you an error about missing symbols and will recommend this switch. The specific section of make.inc looks like this in my setup:

FORTRAN  = gfortran 
OPTS     = -O2 -frecursive -fPIC -m64
NOOPT    = -O0 -frecursive -fPIC -m64
LOADER   = gfortran

On old machines (e.g. RedHat 5), gfortran might be installed in an older version (e.g. 4.1.2) and does not understand option -frecursive. Simply remove it from the make.inc file in such cases.

The lapack test target of the Makefile fails in my setup because it cannot find the blas libraries. If you are thorough you can temporarily move the blas library to the specified location to test the lapack. I'm a lazy person, so I trust the devs to have it working and verify only in SciPy.

  • 5
    There is no libfblas in blas.tgz though.
    – joedborg
    Commented Aug 24, 2012 at 7:49
  • 32
    Worked for me, but I had to edit the make.inc file by setting OPTS = -O2 -fPIC and NOOPT = -O0 -fPIC.
    – gui11aume
    Commented Mar 13, 2013 at 17:30
  • 8
    @jdborg it is apparently called just liblapack.a now Commented Jul 4, 2013 at 21:29
  • 7
    I had to add the -m64 options to the OPTS and NOOPT settings in the make.inc file. Only of you are on a 64 bit machine of course.
    – mjspier
    Commented Oct 21, 2013 at 19:58
  • 21
    +1 Many thanks for this! Also, for scipy, I had to do export LAPACK=~/src/lapack-3.5.0/ instead of adding the libflapack.a in the end.
    – Legend
    Commented Jan 28, 2014 at 22:03

On Fedora, this works:

 yum install lapack lapack-devel blas blas-devel
 pip install numpy
 pip install scipy

Remember to install 'lapack-devel' and 'blas-devel' in addition to 'blas' and 'lapack' otherwise you'll get the error you mentioned or the "numpy.distutils.system_info.LapackNotFoundError" error.

  • It says "public key for blas-dev.." not installed. :(
    – Olga Mu
    Commented Apr 1, 2013 at 20:32
  • @OlgaMu Use "yum --nogpgcheck install blas-devel"
    – Muneeb Ali
    Commented Jul 3, 2013 at 18:02
  • blas-static & lapack-static were required for me on fedora 20.
    – hobs
    Commented Jul 9, 2014 at 16:40
  • Thank you! This worked for me on my AWS EC2 Amazon Linux machine.
    – Lil' Bits
    Commented Apr 17, 2015 at 6:41
  • This doesn't work for a virtualenvironment though, it is failing unless I use sudo for the pip install. Any ideas? Commented Dec 15, 2015 at 22:40

I guess you are talking about installation in Ubuntu. Just use:

apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy

That should take care of the BLAS libraries compiling as well. Else, compiling the BLAS libraries is very difficult.

  • 12
    @V3ss0n, building BLAS and LAPACK are notoriously difficult. It is much easier to compile and install kernels from scratch than compiling those two damned packages imho. Commented Nov 6, 2012 at 22:16
  • @Coder, I figured out how to do this on my Debian box. Should work for Ubuntu as well. check this out: ydevel.tumblr.com/post/37462965735/… [DISCLAIMER: I'm the author of the post] Commented Jan 10, 2013 at 10:07
  • @NicholasMancuso It is indeed difficult but I manage to build whole python (Relocatable) + Lapack + ATLAS (Better than BLAS) Scipy , Scikit, Maplotlib , NetworkX , and alot of other C Dependencies . My whole Runtime folder now 900 MB (Python , Perl , Java included too) haha,. But that makes my projects totally relocated with its own runtime in one folder. Let me know if you need it. Way a lot better than Virtualenv. Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 14:18
  • @yatisagade, @Coder, indeed, you need to be able to use pip install scipy or build it from source in a virtual environment.
    – Arthur
    Commented Mar 29, 2014 at 20:06

For Windows users there is a nice binary package by Chris (warning: it's a pretty large download, 191 MB):


Following the instructions given by 'cfi' works for me, although there are a few pieces they left out that you might need:

1) Your lapack directory, after unzipping, may be called lapack-X-Y (some version number), so you can just rename that to LAPACK.

cd ~/src
mv lapack-[tab] LAPACK

2) In that directory, you may need to do:

cd ~/src/LAPACK 
cp lapack_LINUX.a libflapack.a

Try using

sudo apt-get install python3-scipy

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