I've got the following code to generate a key using the Web Crypto API in the browser:

const IV = new Uint8Array([
  181, 205, 79, 202, 71, 30,
  192, 175, 44,  93, 57, 15,
  106, 207, 83, 179

const SALT = "I'm so salty!";

async function generateKey(password, crypto) {
  const enc = new TextEncoder();
  const keyMaterial = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
    ["deriveBits", "deriveKey"],

  return await crypto.subtle.deriveKey(
      name: "PBKDF2",
      salt: SALT,
      iterations: 100000,
      hash: "SHA-256",
    { "name": "AES-GCM", "length": 256},
    ["encrypt", "decrypt"],

When called like this:

await generateKey("some password", window.crypto)

the deriveKey function throws an exception Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: An invalid or illegal string was specified with no further details provided. What am I doing wrong? Btw, I'm on latest Firefox Developer edition.

Note that when called in NodeJS as

import { webcrypto } from "crypto";
await generateKey("some password", webcrypto)

it works just fine.

1 Answer 1


On the docs for the PBKDF2 algorithm config, the SALT must be an ArrayBuffer, a TypedArray, or a DataView. You are passing a string. I believe you can use the existing text encoder you already have (though I have not tested this):

salt: enc.encode(SALT),

Note: the code from your question throws a different-yet-more-helpful error in Chrome.

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