I am using a YAML file in the CloudFormation service on AWS. This file creates an EC2 server with a public IP and a stack output within the CloudFormation using the IP of the EC2 server that it just created. The output however, is not something we use a lot. Therefore I would like to close the server from time to time and open it again whenever I need it. The problem is that every time I launch the EC2 server again, it changes its public IP and the IP of the stack output doesn't change with it.
I found a way to make it static, using an elastic IP address from the EC2 service. However, I can't seem to find a way to select that IP address when choosing properties in creating the stack. So I would like some assistance on this.
), then you can associate an Elastic IP with an instance ID; see docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/…. The easiest way to do this is create the Elastic IP and EC2 instance in the same stack.