If my array property has null items, then I can't open CollectionEditor from PropertyGrid. I get error with text 'component'. How can I fix it?

    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Test[] test { get; set; }

        public Form1()

            test = new Test[5];
            test[2] = new Test() { Name = "2" };

            propertyGrid1.SelectedObject = this;

    public class Test
        public string Name { get; set; }

Maybe I should override some methods in my custom CollectionEditor, but i don't know which

1 Answer 1


It depends exactly how you want to work around this, but if you just need to exclude the null values, then you can override the default ArrayEditor class, something like this;

// define the editor on the property
[Editor(typeof(MyArrayEditor), typeof(UITypeEditor))]
public Test[] test { get; set; }


public class MyArrayEditor : ArrayEditor
    public MyArrayEditor(Type type) : base(type)

    protected override object[] GetItems(object editValue)
        // filter on the objects you want the array editor to use
        return base.GetItems(editValue).Where(i => i != null).ToArray();
  • So I can't add or remove items. I get message 'Collection was of a fixed size' even if collection has no null items Commented Jan 8, 2023 at 7:55
  • @KageBunshin - You talked about CollectionEditor in your question, but you can use ArrayEditor instead Commented Jan 8, 2023 at 8:24

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