Is it possible to dynamically infer the correct prop type based on component type provided in same prop?

Currently I have component which correctly infers the expected props based on the provided component type.

export interface IFieldTypeProps<TComponent extends React.ComponentType<any>> {
  type: TComponent;
  props: React.ComponentProps<TComponent>;

export function Field<TComponent extends React.ComponentType<any>>({
  type: Component,
}: IFieldTypeProps<TComponent>) {
  return <Component {...props} />;

<Field type={TextField} props={{ required: true, label: "First Name" }} />; // expected prop type inferred based on type prop

I want to do do something similar using strictly config and no JSX. Is this possible?


const fields = [
    type: TextField,
    props: { required: true, label: "First Name" }, // Typecheck not working should infer props based on type above

const Form = () => {
  return (
    fields.map((field) => {
      <field.type {...field.props}/>

1 Answer 1


Here is a way which take advantage of function parameters inference to stay as close a a pure definition way but adding strongly typed verification:

type Field<Props> = {
    Component: React.ComponentType<Props> | React.FC<Props>,
    props: Props,

const createField = <Props, >(
    Component: React.ComponentType<Props> | React.FC<Props>,
    props: Props,
): Field<Props> => ({

const fields = [
        { required: true, label: "First Name" },
        { required: true, label: "Last Name" },

export const Form = ({
}) => (
    fields.map(({ Component, props }) => <Component {...props}/>)

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