The goal is, being able to access the proxy anonymously, such that the host (proxy) doesn't know, where the request came from (of course with credentials).

The client should be able to acess www.example.com over the hosts ip, without the host knowing the clients ip.

Here's a example request route to www.example.com: ![Network-route

  • How would I hookup a browser to it?
  • How would I connect using Python? (something proxy-chain like?)

Note: OS doesn't depend, programming language preferably Python


  • The Client in my case should be able to specify:
    • Headers
    • request-method
    • site-url
  • For the request which the hidden-service makes (so basically a proxy)
  • I think this question belongs to superuser
    – DDS
    Jan 14, 2023 at 14:00
  • here is a reference that might be useful: jordan-wright.com/blog/2014/10/06/… Jan 22, 2023 at 15:56
  • Here is another useful reference: youtube.com/watch?v=GVMjk9pj2Cw Jan 22, 2023 at 17:23
  • Well yeah thanks, but setting the onion server itsself up isn't my issue. The issue is hooking a proxy to the onion address. And afterwards connecting to the proxy over the tor network. clearnet->tor->proxy->clearnet Jan 23, 2023 at 6:09
  • 2
    I deleted my answer, because it wasn't clear what you are trying to accomplish. Please update your question with exact details on what your requirements are. Feb 2, 2023 at 15:17

2 Answers 2


first you need to create a hidden service on tor from host to be able to communicate over tor network

basic flask proxy example (for more advanced proxy you can follow this code) i didnt test this code but you can fix errors:

A simple proxy server, based on original by gear11:
Modified from original to support both GET and POST, status code passthrough, header and form data passthrough.
Usage: http://hostname:port/p/(URL to be proxied, minus protocol)
For example: http://localhost:5000/p/www.google.com
from stem.control import Controller
import re
from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse
from flask import Flask, render_template, request, abort, Response, redirect
import requests
import logging

app = Flask("example")
port = 5000
host = ""
hidden_svc_dir = "c:/temp/"
LOG = logging.getLogger("app.py")

@app.route('/<path:url>', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def root(url):
    # If referred from a proxy request, then redirect to a URL with the proxy prefix.
    # This allows server-relative and protocol-relative URLs to work.
    referer = request.headers.get('referer')
    if not referer:
        return Response("Relative URL sent without a a proxying request referal. Please specify a valid proxy host (/p/url)", 400)
    proxy_ref = proxied_request_info(referer)
    host = proxy_ref[0]
    redirect_url = "/p/%s/%s%s" % (host, url, ("?" + request.query_string.decode('utf-8') if request.query_string else ""))
    LOG.debug("Redirecting relative path to one under proxy: %s", redirect_url)
    return redirect(redirect_url)

@app.route('/p/<path:url>', methods=["GET", "POST"])
def proxy(url):
    """Fetches the specified URL and streams it out to the client.
    If the request was referred by the proxy itself (e.g. this is an image fetch
    for a previously proxied HTML page), then the original Referer is passed."""
    # Check if url to proxy has host only, and redirect with trailing slash
    # (path component) to avoid breakage for downstream apps attempting base
    # path detection
    url_parts = urlparse('%s://%s' % (request.scheme, url))
    if url_parts.path == "":
        parts = urlparse(request.url)
        LOG.warning("Proxy request without a path was sent, redirecting assuming '/': %s -> %s/" % (url, url))
        return redirect(urlunparse(parts._replace(path=parts.path+'/')))

    LOG.debug("%s %s with headers: %s", request.method, url, request.headers)
    r = make_request(url, request.method, dict(request.headers), request.form)
    LOG.debug("Got %s response from %s",r.status_code, url)
    headers = dict(r.raw.headers)
    def generate():
        for chunk in r.raw.stream(decode_content=False):
            yield chunk
    out = Response(generate(), headers=headers)
    out.status_code = r.status_code
    return out
def make_request(url, method, headers={}, data=None):
    url = 'http://%s' % url

    # Pass original Referer for subsequent resource requests
    referer = request.headers.get('referer')
    if referer:
        proxy_ref = proxied_request_info(referer)
        headers.update({ "referer" : "http://%s/%s" % (proxy_ref[0], proxy_ref[1])})

    # Fetch the URL, and stream it back
    LOG.debug("Sending %s %s with headers: %s and data %s", method, url, headers, data)
    return requests.request(method, url, params=request.args, stream=True, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, data=data)

def proxied_request_info(proxy_url):
    """Returns information about the target (proxied) URL given a URL sent to
    the proxy itself. For example, if given:
    then the result is:
        ("google.com", "search?q=foo")"""
    parts = urlparse(proxy_url)
    if not parts.path:
        return None
    elif not parts.path.startswith('/p/'):
        return None
    matches = re.match('^/p/([^/]+)/?(.*)', parts.path)
    proxied_host = matches.group(1)
    proxied_path = matches.group(2) or '/'
    proxied_tail = urlunparse(parts._replace(scheme="", netloc="", path=proxied_path))
    LOG.debug("Referred by proxy host, uri: %s, %s", proxied_host, proxied_tail)
    return [proxied_host, proxied_tail]

controller = Controller.from_port(address="", port=9151)
        ("HiddenServiceDir", hidden_svc_dir),
        ("HiddenServicePort", "80 %s:%s" % (host, str(port)))
    svc_name = open(hidden_svc_dir + "/hostname", "r").read().strip()
    print "onion link: %s" % svc_name
except Exception as e:
    print e


after runing this you will get a onion link like: "somelongstringwithnumber123.onion" with that onion link you can connect to host from client over tor network

Than you need to make request over tor network from host:

import requests

session = requests.session()
session.proxies = {}
session.proxies['http'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050'
session.proxies['https'] = 'socks5h://localhost:9050'

r = session.get("http://somelongstringwithnumber123.onion/p/alpwebtasarim.com")

im not gonna test that codes but i hope you understand the main idea.


To use a Tor hidden service as a proxy, you must install Tor on the server. https://www.torproject.org/download/ has the programme.

After installing Tor, add these lines to your torrc file:

import socks
import socket

socks.set_default_proxy(socks.SOCKS5, "", 9050)
socket.socket = socks.socksocket

# Use the socket module normally, and all connections will go via the proxy.

To utilise the tor hidden service with a browser, set the browser to use the Tor SOCKS proxy on localhost:9050 and use the hidden service hostname for the target address, which can be found in the file titled "hostname" in HiddenServiceDir.

The python-stem library can automate starting and stopping the tor service, establishing and deleting hidden services, and getting the hidden service's onion address.

  • I don't need a proxy, which givesl me acess to the Hidden Web. I Need the reverse part of that. Jan 16, 2023 at 16:42

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