I've read that the C++ standard allows optimization to a point where it can actually hinder with expected functionality. When I say this, I'm talking about return value optimization, where you might actually have some logic in the copy constructor, yet the compiler optimizes the call out.
I find this to be somewhat bad, as in someone who doesn't know this might spend quite some time fixing a bug resulting from this.
What I want to know is whether there are any other situations where over-optimization from the compiler can change functionality.
For example, something like:
int x = 1;
x = 1;
x = 1;
x = 1;
might be optimized to a single x=1;
Suppose I have:
class A;
A a = b;
a = b;
a = b;
Could this possibly also be optimized? Probably not the best example, but I hope you know what I mean...