I have that one-to-many relationship going here. Plus, not all "primary" records will have a joined record in the second database table.

Here are my tables:

tbl_customers tbl_addresses

A customer record in tbl_customers can obviously have many addresses, in the tbl_addresses table.

Here's my dilemma. There are many customer records with several addresses, and I assign one of those address records as the "main" address for a customer record. This is simply a single column called: primaryAddress. The value will be a number 1, if that address record is the main address.

So here is my query:

SELECT c.customername, a.state 
FROM `tbl_customers` c
LEFT JOIN `tbl_addresses` a ON c.customerid = a.customerid

That query will result in duplicate records for any customer with more than 1 address. If I add a little more to the LEFT JOIN:

SELECT c.customername, a.state 
FROM `tbl_customers` c
LEFT JOIN `tbl_addresses` a ON c.customerid = a.customerid AND a.primaryAddress = 1

This produces no results, even when I see in the database there are plenty of address records with primaryAddress = 1.

So I'm thinking my query is wrong.

Can someone see what I'm missing?

  • I should add that there are many customer records without an address record yet. I still need to display those customers, but leave the a.state as empty. (which is why I chose LEFT JOIN). Sep 22, 2011 at 18:29
  • 1
    I see nothing wrong with your second query as written. Is there anything else you've left out? Sep 22, 2011 at 18:41

1 Answer 1


To anyone who happens to land on this page looking for a solution:


The user was able to find the cause after discussing the problem here. Turns out he had a typo on his original code. The second block of SQL code posted on the question is correct, and should give the expected results. +1 for user JoeStefanelli for pointing this out.

Please read the comments for details. My original answer is below. Now I see I should have deleted it, instead of trying to amend it, as soon I realized it was flawed. At least the discussion helped the user find a solution...

My original answer:

You are almost there. Add a.primaryAddress = 1 to the WHERE clause instead.


Not sure if this will exclude costumers with zero addresses from the results...

  • No. Adding that condition to the WHERE clause will force the JOIN to behave like an INNER JOIN. It is correct where it is. Sep 22, 2011 at 18:25
  • You're right. It excludes the customers with no addresses. darn it Sep 22, 2011 at 18:34
  • Yeah, that's what I though realized after answering. But I can't see why the second query on your question produces no results! I'm testing with a similar structure, and it works for me.
    – bfavaretto
    Sep 22, 2011 at 18:38
  • You're right! I mistyped the alias in my query box, if you can believe that. I love wasting time!! Thanks! Sep 22, 2011 at 18:49
  • -1 Even though this answer was accepted, it is incorrect and could be misleading for anyone who reads this question in the future. Sep 22, 2011 at 18:54

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