I'm using .NET Framework 4.8 and tried to deployed my web app to IIS but it showed the 403.14 error.

HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden

The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.

And then I enabled directory browsing. This time, it showed the directory listing instead. As I clicked the "Views" folder, it returned another error.

HTTP Error 500.21 - Internet Server Error
Handler "BlockViewHandler" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list

I have been finding solution for days but none of them worked...

EDIT: I started a new MVC project and tried to depoly it. It works perfectly. But it broke once I added new database using entity framework. Just guessing the problem comes from the database. Is there any configuration if I want to deploy a MVC app with db?

  • Have you set a homepage for your MVC web app? If not, get started from there please, stackoverflow.com/questions/1142003/set-homepage-in-asp-net-mvc Roll back all previous changes you made and you should never enable directory browsing.
    – Lex Li
    Jan 24, 2023 at 1:44
  • @LexLi I have set it in web.config Home/Index. It works on localhost.
    – Nora
    Jan 24, 2023 at 1:55
  • it mostly happens when the user has no proper permission. check your permissions on the served directory by IIS. sometimes you need to add IIS_IUSR to the security tab of the properties of the directory to let IIS manage the files. Jan 24, 2023 at 9:02


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