I have a text file with the following column names. I want these to be the keys in my dictionary, and grab the value data from separating lines in the txt file, which contains a series of lines like such:

   VLAN1100    84:03:28:a8:b3:18   D   -   ge-0/0/45.0            0         0 
key_list = ['vlan name', 'mac address', 'mac flags', 'age', 'logical interface', 'nh index', 'rtr id', 'IP']

with open('prog-input.txt', 'r') as file:
    lines = file.readlines()`
#separate column data into lines
    for line in lines:
        if 'VLAN' in line:
#skip headers
            entry = line.split()
            res = {}
            for key in key_list:
                for value in entry:
                    res[key] = value

This is correctly splitting the data into key value pairs, but not assigning them to individual dictionaries.


{'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '94:40:c9:3a:44:1a', 'mac flags': 'D', 'age': '-', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/16.0', 'nh index': '0', 'rtr id': '0', 'IP': ''}
{'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '94:40:c9:3a:91:b6', 'mac flags': 'D', 'age': '-', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/8.0', 'nh index': '0', 'rtr id': '0', 'IP': ''}
{'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '94:40:c9:3a:e5:b2', 'mac flags': 'D', 'age': '-', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/17.0', 'nh index': '0', 'rtr id': '0', 'IP': ''}
{'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': 'f4:a7:39:9c:4c:e0', 'mac flags': 'D', 'age': '-', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/47.0', 'nh index': '0', 'rtr id': '0', 'IP': ''}`

I only care about the key:value pairs of 0, 1, 4, 7. I would like to assign each line entry with an ID, possibly based on the 'mac address', which is unique.

I also tried using this code, but I don't understand how to use map, so I'd rather it be spelled out:

        if 'VLAN' in line:
            device = {k:v for k, *v in map(line.split, file)}
            for key in key_list:
                for value in device:

But it doesn't work. I want to be able to create a dictionary for each line item, and then put them inside a List, to query later.

  • 1
    Can you post the contents of the input txt file?
    – Fractalism
    Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 17:48
  • 1
    The first example appears to be printing out separate dicts. What exact output would you like to see, and how does it differ from the output you are getting?
    – Jon Betts
    Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 17:53
  • Yes, the txt file input contains many lines like this:Ethernet switching table : 570 entries, 570 learned Routing instance : default-switch Vlan MAC MAC Age Logical NH RTR name address flags interface Index ID VLAN1100 28:29:86:46:27:c7 D - ge-0/0/42.0 0 0 VLAN1100 28:29:86:46:27:c9 D - ge-0/0/43.0 0 0 Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 18:03
  • 1
    It is unclear what your desired output is. Please provide an example.
    – 001
    Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 18:11
  • 1
    Do you mean create a new variable for each dictionary? Like data1 = {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100'....}, data2 = {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100'....}? I don't recommend that. Use a list. Ex: all_data = [dict(zip(key_list, line.split())) for line in lines].
    – 001
    Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 18:20

2 Answers 2


Here is a slightly generalised method, that only uses built-ins, which you can use to perform similar tasks to the one you have specified.

import operator

def split_lines_to_dicts(lines, column_map, line_filter, id_generator):
    value_getter = operator.itemgetter(*list(column_map.keys()))
    column_names = list(column_map.values())

     return [
            zip(column_names, value_getter(line.split())),
        for line in lines
        if line_filter(line)

To show how you might use that I'll show it with details plugged in from your situation:

import io
import itertools

    # You would use a file handle here
        # Ignore me
        VLAN1100    84:03:28:a8:b3:18   D   -   ge-0/0/45.0            0         0
        VLAN1100    84:03:28:a8:b3:18   D   -   ge-0/0/45.0            0         0
        VLAN1100    84:03:28:a8:b3:18   D   -   ge-0/0/45.0            0         0
    # The position to the name we want in the output
        0: "vlan name",
        1: "mac address",
        4: "logical interface",
        7: "IP"
    # A filter to decide which lines to keep
    line_filter=lambda line: "VLAN" in line,
    # A generator of ids, you could change this to do something else

This would give you a list like this:

    {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '84:03:28:a8:b3:18', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/45.0', 'IP': '', 'id': 0}, 
    {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '84:03:28:a8:b3:18', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/45.0', 'IP': '', 'id': 1}, 
    {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '84:03:28:a8:b3:18', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/45.0', 'IP': '', 'id': 2}

  • I keep getting "TypeError: split_lines_to_dicts() got multiple values for argument 'lines'" Can't get this to work sadly Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 23:21
import io    
import csv
import pandas as pd

VLAN1100    94:40:c9:3a:44:1a   D   -   ge-0/0/16.0 0   0
VLAN1100    94:40:c9:3a:91:b6   D   -   ge-0/0/8.0  0   0
VLAN1100    94:40:c9:3a:e5:b2   D   -   ge-0/0/17.0 0   0
VLAN1100    f4:a7:39:9c:4c:e0   D   -   ge-0/0/47.0 0   0

key_list = ['vlan name', 'mac address', 'mac flags', 'age',
            'logical interface', 'nh index', 'rtr id', 'IP']

# with open("csv.abc") as fobj: #
#     records = csv.DictReader(fobj, fieldnames=key_list, delimiter="\t")

file_buffer = io.StringIO(file_content)
records = csv.DictReader(file_buffer, fieldnames=key_list, delimiter="\t")

df = pd.DataFrame(records)
df = df.iloc[:, [0,1,4,7]]

[{'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '94:40:c9:3a:44:1a', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/16.0', 'IP': ''}, {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '94:40:c9:3a:91:b6', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/8.0', 'IP': ''}, {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': '94:40:c9:3a:e5:b2', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/17.0', 'IP': ''}, {'vlan name': 'VLAN1100', 'mac address': 'f4:a7:39:9c:4c:e0', 'logical interface': 'ge-0/0/47.0', 'IP': ''}]

  • I feel like an idiot. I typed it out with the # part uncommented and included my .txt file. How do I view the records, or how do I view the records once this data is done? Or you just have to copy and paste it into "file_content"? Commented Jan 24, 2023 at 21:09
  • is up to you how you wanna see the records, the #commented line is for you just in case your input is in a file. copy paste is not required. for example you can print out the records one by one -> for entry in records: print(entry)
    – pinky
    Commented Jan 25, 2023 at 3:45

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